OFFICE:  Transportation Data


ENTERED BY:  Darlene Bovee

ENTERED DATE:  09-14-2007


Due to the relocation at Sidney, the official route description in the Primary Road System should be revised to reflect this change.


New Description - US 275 and its extensions in Fremont County described as follows:


Beginning on the Iowa-Missouri State line at a point approximately 700 feet south and 2130 feet east of the NW Corner Section 35-T67N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Sections 35 and 26-T67N-R42W to a point near the NW Corner Section 26-T67N-R42W then westerly 260 feet through Section 27-T67N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Section 22-T67N-R42W to the east corporation line of Hamburg, connecting with "E" Street (approximately 710 feet north and 2020 feet west of the SE Corner Section 22-T67N-R42W).




Beginning on "E" Street at the east corporation line; thence northwesterly on "F" Street to Washington Street; thence northeasterly on Washington Street to the north corporation line (approximately 2560 feet east and 1630 feet north of the SE Corner Section 15-T67N-R42W) .


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Hamburg, connecting with Washington Street; thence north following substantially the center section line of Sections 15, 10, and 3-T67N-R42W and Section 34, 27 (south junction of Iowa 2), 22, 15, and 10-T68N-R42W to a point approximately 1800 feet south of the N ¼ Corner Section 10-T68N-R42W; thence in a northeasterly and northerly direction through Section 10-T68N-R42W and Sections 35, 36 and 25-T69N-R42W to a point approximately 1900 feet east and 2090 feet north of the SW Corner Section 25-T69N-R42W (north junction Iowa 2); thence northwesterly and westerly through Sections 25, 26, and 23-T69N-R42W to a point approximately 700 feet east of the SW Corner Section 23-T69N-R42W; thence northwesterly through Sections 23, 22, 15, and 10 -T69N-R42W to the NW Corner Section 10-T69N-R42W; thence northerly on substantially the section line of Section 3, T69N, R42W and Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, and 10-T70N-R42W to the south corporation line of Tabor connecting with Main Street (NW Corner Section 10-T70N-R42W).




Beginning at the south corporation line connecting with Main Street; thence north on Main Street to the Fremont-Mills County line (NW Corner Section 3-T70N-R42W) (SW Corner Section 34-T71N-R42W, Mills
















COUNTY:  Fremont

ROUTE:  US 275






Due to relocation of US 275 in Fremont County in 1995, the official description in the Primary Road System should be revised to reflect this change.




It is recommended the old description of US 275 in Fremont County be deleted from the Primary Road System and the new description, as described in the attachment, be included in the Primary Road System.


New Description - US 275 and its extensions in Fremont County described as follows:


Beginning on the Iowa-Missouri State line at a point approximately 213 meters (700 feet) south and 671 meters (2,200 feet) east of the NW Corner Section 35-T67N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 35 and 26-T67N-R42W to a point near the NW Corner Section 26-T67N-R42W then westerly 80 meters (262 feet) through Section 27-T67N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly and westerly direction through Section 22-T67N-R42W to the east corporation line of Hamburg, connecting with "F" Street.




Beginning on "F" Street at the east corporation line; thence northwesterly on "F" Street to Washington Street; thence northeasterly on Washington Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Hamburg, connecting with Washington Street; thence north following substantially the center section line of Sections 15, 10, and 3-T67N-R42W and Section 34, 27 (south junction of Iowa 2), 22, 15, and 10-T68N-R42W to a point approximately 152 meters (500 feet) south of the N ¼ Corner Section 10-T68N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 10-T68N-R42W and Section 35-T69N-R42W to the south corporation line of Sidney, connecting with Main Street.




Beginning on Main Street at the south corporation line; thence north on Main Street to Clay Street; thence west on Clay Street to Illinois Street; thence north on Illinois Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Sidney, connecting with Illinois Street; thence in a northwesterly direction through Section 26 and 23-T69N-R42W to a point approximately 381 meters (1,250 feet) north of the SW Corner Sec.23-T69N-R42W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 23 and 14-T69N-R42W to a point 274 meters (900 feet) north of the SW Corner Section 14-T69N-R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 15, 10, and 3-T69N-R42W to a point approximately 61 meters (200 feet) north of the SW  Corner Section 3-T69N-R42W; thence north following substantially the section line of Section 3-T69N-R42W (junction Iowa 145) and Sections 34, 27, 22, 15 (junction of Iowa 184) and 10-T70N-R42W to the south corporation line of Tabor connecting with Main Street.




Beginning at the south corporation line connecting with Main Street; thence north on Main Street to the Fremont-Mills County line.






COUNTY:  Fremont

ROUTE:  US 275


APPROVAL DATE:  12-18-86


New Description ‑ US 275 and its extensions in Fremont County described as follows:


Beginning on the Iowa‑Missouri State line at a point approxi­mately 700 feet south and 2,200 feet east of the NW Corner Section 35-­T67N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 35 and 26‑T67N‑R42W to a point near the NW Corner Section 26-T67N-­R42W; thence in a northwesterly and westerly direction through Section 22‑T67N‑R42W to the east corporation line of Hamburg, connecting with "F" Street.




Beginning on "F" Street at the east corporation line; thence north­westerly on "F" Street to Washington Street; thence northeasterly on Washington Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Hamburg, con­necting with Washington Street; thence north following substantially the center section line of Sections 15, 10, and 3‑T67N‑R42W and Sections 34, 27 (south junction Iowa 2), 22, 15, and 10‑T68N‑R42W to a point approximately 500 feet south of the N ¼ Corner Section 10‑T68N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 10‑T68N‑R42W and Section 35‑T69N‑R42W to the south corporation line of Sidney, connecting with Main Street.




Beginning on Main Street at the south corporation line; thence north on Main Street to Clay Street; thence west on Clay Street to Illinois Street; thence north on Illinois Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Sidney, con­necting with Illinois Street; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 26 and 23‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 1,250 feet north of the SW Corner Section 23‑T69N‑R42W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 23 and 14-T69N‑R42W to a point 900 feet north of the SW Corner Section 14-­T69N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 15, 10, and 3‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 200 feet north of the SW Corner Section 3‑T69N‑R42W; thence north following substan­tially the section line of Section 3‑T69N‑R42W (junction Iowa 145) and Sections 34, 27, 22, 15 (junction of Iowa 184) and 10‑T70N‑R42W to the south corporation line of Tabor connecting with Main Street.




Beginning at the south corporation line connecting with Main Street; thence north on Main Street to the Fremont‑Mills County line.






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  C. I. MacGillivray





Due to a review of our Primary Road System records, US 275 in Fremont County should be deleted and the new description should be officially included into the Primary Road System.


US 275 begins at the Iowa‑Missouri State Line approximately 2 miles southeast of Hamburg and travels in a northwesterly direction to the Fremont-Mills County Line via the Cities of Hamburg, Sidney, and Tabor, Iowa.




Locate US 275 and its extensions in Fremont County as follows:


Beginning on the Iowa‑Missouri State Line at a point approximately 700 feet south and 2200 feet east of the NW Corner Section 35‑T67N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 35 and 26‑T67N‑R42W to a point near the NW Corner Section 26‑T67N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and westerly direction through Section 22­-T67N‑R42W to the east corporation line of the City of Hamburg, connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning at the east corporation line, connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly and northeasterly to the north corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Hamburg, connecting with an unnamed street; thence north follow­ing substantially the center section line of Sections 15, 10, and 3‑T67N‑R42W and Sections 34, 27 (south junction Iowa 2), 22, 15, and 10‑T68N‑R42W, to a point approximately 500 feet south of the N ¼ Corner Section 10-T68N‑R42W; thence in a north­westerly and northerly direction through Section 10‑T68N‑R42W and Section 35‑T69N‑R42W to the south corporation line of the city of Sidney, connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning at the south corporation line, connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly, westerly and northerly to the north corporation line, connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Sidney, connecting with an unnamed street; thence in a north­westerly direction through Sections 26 and 23‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 1250 feet north of the SW Corner Section 23-T69N­-R42W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 23 and 14‑T69N‑R42W to a point 900 feet north of the SW Corner Section 14‑T69N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 15, 10, and 3‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 200 feet north of the SW Corner Section 3‑T69N‑R42W; thence north following substantially the section line of Section 3‑T69N‑R42W and Sections 34, 27, 22, 15 (junction of Iowa 184) and 10‑T70N‑R42W to the south corporation line of the City of Tabor connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning at the south corporation line, connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly to the Fremont‑Mills County Line connecting with an unnamed street.


NOTE: See Mills County.


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Trans­portation approve the location of US 275 in Fremont County, Iowa.


NOTE:  To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.


REVISED:  12-18-86






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  Raymond L. Kassel



Locate US 275 in Fremont County as follows:


Beginning on the north corporation line of Sidney, connecting with Illinois Street; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 26 and 23‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 1250 feet north of the SW Corner Section 23‑T69N‑R42W.


Beginning ¼ mile west and 2,000 feet south of the NE Corner Section 10‑T69N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 10 and 3‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 200 feet north of the SW Corner Section 3‑T69N‑R42W.


NOTE:  To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.






COUNTY:  Fremont




Beginning on the Iowa‑Missouri State line, at a point approximately 700 feet south and 2200 feet east of the NW Corner Section 35‑T67N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 35 and 26-T67N‑R42W to a point near the NW Corner Section 26‑T67N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and westerly direction through Section 22‑T67N‑R42W to the east corporation line of the City of Hamburg, connecting with "E" Street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Hamburg, connecting with Washington Street; thence north following substantially the quarter section line to a point approximately 500 feet south of the N ¼ Corner of Section 10‑T68N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction through Section 10‑T68N‑R42W and Section 35‑T69N‑R42W to the south corporation line of the Town of Sidney, connecting with Main Street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the Town of Sidney, connecting with Illinois Street; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 26 and 23‑T69N‑R42W to a point approximately 1250 feet north of the SW Corner Section 23‑T69N‑R42W; thence north following substantially the section line to a point approximately 900 feet north of the SE Corner Section 15‑T69N‑R42W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 15, 10, and 3‑T69N‑R42W, to a point approximately 200 feet north of the SW Corner Section 3‑T69N‑R42W; thence north follow­ing substantially the section line to the south corporation line of the Town of Tabor, connecting with Main Street.


REVISED:  11-2-78






COUNTY:  Fremont

CITY OF:  Hamburg

ROUTE:  US 275



Commencing on "E" Street at the east corpo­ration line; thence northwesterly on "E" Street to Washington Street; thence northeasterly on Washington Street to the north corporation line.


REVISED:  11-2-78






COUNTY:  Fremont

CITY OF: Sidney




Commencing on Main Street at the south cor­poration line; thence northerly on Main Street to Clay Street; thence westerly on Clay Street to Illinois Street; thence northerly on Illinois Street to the north corporation line.


REVISED: 11-2-78






COUNTY:  Fremont

CITY OF:  Tabor

ROUTE:  US 275



Commencing on Main Street at the south cor­poration line; thence northerly on Main Street across the Fremont‑Mills County line to the north corporation line.


REVISED: 11-2-78