OFFICE: Research and Analytics
ENTERED BY: Paul Mauer
ENTERED DATE: 2-4-2022
Due to the removal of Interstate 680 from the junction of
Interstate 29 to Interstate 880 in Pottawattamie County approved by FHWA on
2-23-2021, the primary route description for Interstate 680 in Pottawattamie
County has been modified.
New Description - Interstate 680 and its extensions
in Pottawattamie County described as follows:
Beginning on the Iowa-Nebraska State line (approximately 7360 feet
west and 516 feet south of the NE Corner Section 31-T76N-R44W; thence easterly
through Sections 31 and 32-T76N-R44W to a point approximately 1754 feet west of
the NE Corner of said Section 32; thence northeasterly through Sections 29 and
28-T76N-R44W to the junction of
Interstate 29.
OFFICE: Transportation Data
BY: Stefani Wonders
DATE: 09-13-2006
to a review of our Primary System records, the primary route description for
Interstate 680 in Pottawattamie County was found to be in slight error and
therefore was re-written.
Description - Interstate 680 and its extensions in
Beginning on the Iowa-Nebraska
State line (approximately 7360 feet west and 516 feet south of the NE Corner
Section 31-T76N-R44W; thence easterly through Sections 31 and 32-T76N-R44W to a
point approximately 1754 feet west of the NE Corner of said Section 32; thence
northeasterly through Sections 29 and 28-T76N-R44W (south junction of
Interstate 29 and US 75); thence northerly through Sections 28, 21, 16, 9, and
4-T76N-R44W and Sections 33, 28, 21, 16, 9, and 4-T77N-R44W to the north
junction of Interstate 29 and US 75 (approximately 812 feet north and 965 feet
west of the SE Corner of said Section 4); thence easterly through Sections 4,
3, 2, and 1-T77N-R44W, Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1-T77N-R43W, Sections 6, 5,
4, 3, 2, and 1-T77N-R42W, Sections 6 and 5-T77N-R41W to the junction with
Interstate 80 at a point near the center of Section 5‑T77N‑R41W
Pottawattamie County.
DIVISION: Planning & Research
BY: C. I. MacGillivray
to a review of our Primary Road System records Interstate 680 in
680 begins on the Iowa‑Nebraska State line approximately 5 miles
southwest of Crescent, and travels northeasterly, northerly and easterly to an
interchange with Interstate 80 approximately 4 miles north‑northeast of
Interstate 680 in
on the Iowa‑Nebraska State line at a point near the W ¼ Corner of the NW
¼ Section 31‑T76N‑R44W; thence northeasterly through Section 31‑T76N‑R44W
to a point near the NW Corner Section 32‑T76N‑R44W; thence easterly
to a point near the NW Corner Section 33‑T76N‑R44W thence in a
northeasterly direction through Sections 29 and 28-T76N‑R44W to a point (south
junction Interstate 29 and US 75) approximately 1300 feet north of the SE
Corner Section 28‑T76N‑R44W thence curving in a generally northerly
direction through the east part of Sections 28 and 21‑T76N‑R44W to
a point 276 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 21‑T76N‑R44W;
thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the
Illinois Central Railroad through Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W
to a point approximately 1440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner
Section 4‑T76N‑R44W thence in a northwesterly and northerly
direction to a point (center of the Honey Creek interchange) approximately 410
feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N-R44W; thence continuing in a
northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction through Section 33-T77N‑R44W
to a point approximately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33-T77N-R44W;
thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the
Illinois Central Railroad through Sections 28,21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W
thence in a northerly direction through Sections 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W
to a point (north junction Interstate 29 and US 75) near the center SE ¼
Section 4‑T77N‑R44W thence in an easterly direction through south
part of Sections 4, 3, (junction Iowa 183), 2 and 1‑T77N‑R44W thence
continuing in an easterly direction through Sections 6 and 5‑T77N‑R43W
to a point near the S ¼ Corner Section 5-T77N-R43W thence in a northeasterly
direction through Sections 5 and 4‑T77N‑R43W to a point near the
center of Section 3‑T77N‑R43W; thence easterly through Sections
3,2, and 1-T77N‑R43W, Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1‑T77N‑R43W
and Sections 6 (junction Iowa 191) and 5‑T77N‑R41W to a junction
with Interstate 80 at a point near the center of Section 5‑T77N‑R41W
Pottawattamie County.
THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Transportation approve
the location of Interstate 680 in
To become effective upon the adoption of this resolution.
DIVISION: Planning & Research
BY: Gene R. Mills
DATE: 1-9-74
Interstate 680 in Pottawattamie County as follows:
on the Iowa‑Nebraska State line at a point near the W ¼ Corner of the NW
¼ Section 31‑T76N‑R44W; thence northeasterly through Section 31‑T76N‑R44W
to a point near the NW Corner Section 32-T76N-R44W; thence easterly to a point
near the NW Corner Section 33-T76N-R44W; thence in a northeasterly direction
through Sections 33 and 28‑T76N‑R44W to a point near the E ¼ Corner
of the SE ¼ Section 28‑T76N‑R44W; thence curving in a northerly
direction through the E ½ of Section 28‑T76N‑R44W to a point
approximately 0.1 mile west of the NE Corner Section 28‑T76N‑R44W;
thence curving in a northeasterly and northerly direction to a point 276 feet
west of the E ½ Corner Section 21‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northerly
direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad
through Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately
1,440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W;
thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction to a point approximately 410
feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing
in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction through Section 33‑T77N‑R44W
to a point approximately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33‑T77N‑R44W;
thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the
Illinois Central Railroad through Sections 28, 21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W;
thence in a northerly direction through Sections 9 and 4‑T71N‑R44W
to a point near the center SE ¼ Section 4‑T77N‑R44W; thence in an
easterly direction through south part of Sections 4, 3, 2 and 1‑T77N‑R44W;
thence continuing in an easterly direction through Sections 6 and 5‑T77N‑R43W
to a point near the S ¼ Corner Section 5‑T77N‑R43W; thence in a
northeasterly direction through Sections 5 and 4‑T77N‑R43W to a
point near the center of Section 3‑T77N‑R43W; thence easterly
through Sections 3, 2, and 1‑T77N‑R43W, and Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
and 1‑T77N‑R42W and Sections 6 and 5‑T77N‑R41W to a
point near the center Section 5‑T77N‑R41W.
THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa State Highway Commission approve the
location of Interstate 680 in
To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.