OFFICE:  Transportation Data

EFFECTIVE DATE: 09-01-2005

ENTERED BY:  Darlene Bovee

ENTERED DATE: 12-10-2008



Transfer of jurisdiction agreement number 2003-TJ-044, between the City of Eddyville and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of unsigned Iowa 342 beginning on 8th Street (approximately 1260 feet north and 1680 feet west of the SE Corner of Section 6-T73N-R15W); then northwesterly on 8th Street to the north corporation line/Wapello-Mahaska County line approximately 2720 feet west of the NE Corner of said Section 6-T73N-R15W, Wapello County (SE Corner of Section 31-T74N-R15W, Mahaska County) to city jurisdiction on September 1, 2005.







OFFICE:  Transportation Data

EFFECTIVE DATE: 01-14-2005

ENTERED BY:  Stefani Wonders

ENTERED DATE: 02-14-2005






Beginning on 8th Street (approximately 1260 feet north and 1860 feet west of the SE Corner of Section 6-T73N-R15W); then northwesterly on 8th Street to the north corporation line/Wapello-Mahaska County line approximately 2770 feet west of the NE Corner of said Section 6, Wapello County (SE Corner of Section 31-T74N-R15W, Mahaska County).