OFFICE:  Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY:  Patrick R. Cain



TITLE:  Official Description Change:  Iowa 130, Scott County




The City of Plainview has voted the discontinuance of Incorporation effective April 20, 1987. The official description of Iowa 130 in Scott County should be revised to reflect this discontinuous action. The remainder of Iowa 130 in Scott County remains unchanged.


Iowa 130 begins in Davenport at 76th Street (south limits of access control I‑80) and travels generally northwesterly via Maysville and New Liberty to the Scott‑Cedar County Line approximately one (1) mile north and one (1) mile west of New Liberty.




It is recommended to approve revising the description of Iowa 130 in Scott County and including the new description in the primary road system.


New Description ‑ Iowa 130 and its extensions in Scott County described as follows:




Beginning on Northwest Boulevard at 76th Street (south limits access control I‑80); thence northwesterly on Northwest Boulevard to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Davenport connecting with Northwest Boulevard; thence northwesterly through Sections 29, 30, and 19‑T79N‑R3E and Sections 24, 23, 14, and 15‑T79N‑R2E to the east corporation line of Maysville connecting with Jefferson Street.




Beginning on Jefferson Street at the east corporation line; thence west on Jefferson Street to the west corporation line.


Beginning again on the west corporation line of Maysville connecting with Jefferson Street; thence westerly through Sections 15 & 16‑T79N‑R2E to a point approximately 700 feet north of the center of Section 16‑T79N‑R2E; thence northwesterly through Sections 16, 17, 8, and 7‑T79N‑R2E and Sections 12, 1 and 2‑T79N‑R1E, and Section 34 and 33‑T80N‑R1E to a point near the center of the NE ¼ of Section 33‑T80N‑R1E; thence west to a point near the center of the NW ¼ of said Section 33; thence northwesterly through Section 33, 29, and 20‑T80N‑R1E to the southeast corporation line of New Liberty connecting with Main Street.


New Liberty:


Beginning on Main Street at the southeast corporation line; thence northwesterly on Main Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of New Liberty connecting with Main Street; thence northwesterly through Section 19 and 18‑T80N‑R1E to a point on the Scott‑Cedar County Line approximately 1,000 feet south of the W ¼ Corner of Section 18‑T80N‑R1E Scott County (E ¼ Corner of Section 13‑T80N‑R1W Cedar County).






OFFICE: Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY: Patrick R. Cain



TITLE:  Official Description Change:  Iowa 130, Scott County




Transfer of jurisdiction agreement number TJ‑130‑1(26)‑‑2M‑82, between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of Davenport, transferred the portion of Iowa 130 from a junction with US 61 southbound near 35th Street northwesterly on Harrison Street and Northwest Boulevard to 76th Street (south limits of access control Interstate 80) to city jurisdiction on December 3, 1984.


The official description of Iowa 130 in Scott County should be revised to reflect this transfer. The geographic location of the remainder of Iowa 130 in Scott County remains unchanged.


Iowa 130 begins in Davenport at 76th Street (south limits of access control Interstate 80) and travels generally northwesterly via Maysville, Plainview and New Liberty to the Scott‑Cedar County Line approximately one (1) mile north and one (1) mile west of New Liberty.




It is recommended to approve revising the description of Iowa 130 in Scott County and including the new description in the Primary Road System.

New Description ‑ Iowa 130 and its extensions in Scott County described as follows:




Beginning on Northwest Boulevard at 76th Street (south limits access control I‑80); thence northwesterly on Northwest Boulevard to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Davenport connecting with Northwest Boulevard; thence northwesterly through Sections 29, 30, and 19‑T79N‑R3E and Sections 24, 23, 14, and 15‑T79N‑R2E to the east corporation line of Maysville connecting with Jefferson Street.




Beginning on Jefferson Street at the east corporation line; thence west or Jefferson Street to the west corporation line.


Beginning again on the west corporation line of Maysville connecting with Jefferson Street; thence westerly through Sections 15 & 16‑T79N‑R2E to a point approximately 700 feet north of the center of Section 16‑T79N‑R2E; thence northwesterly through Sections 16, 17, 8, and 7‑T79N‑R2E to the east corporation line of Plainview connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning on an unnamed street at the east corporation line; thence northwesterly on said unnamed street to the west corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of Plainview connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Sections 1 and 2‑T79N‑R1E, and Section 34 and 33‑T80N‑R1E to a point near the center of the NE ¼ of Section 33‑T80N‑R1E; thence west to a point near the center of the NW ¼ of said Section ­33; thence northwesterly through Section 33, 29, and 20‑T80N‑R1E to the southeast corporation line of New Liberty connecting with Main Street.


New Liberty


Beginning on Main Street at the southeast corporation line; thence northwesterly on Main Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of New Liberty connecting with Main Street; thence northwesterly through Section 19 and 18‑T80N‑R1E to a point on the Scott‑Cedar County Line approximately 1,000 feet south of the W ¼ Corner of Section 18‑T80N‑R1E Scott County (E ¼ Corner of Section 13‑T80N‑R1W Cedar County).


REVISED:  6-10-87






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  C. I. MacGillivray



TITLE:  Iowa 130, Scott County, Iowa


Iowa 130 begins in Davenport at US 61 and travels generally north­westerly via Davenport, Maysville, Plainview and New Liberty to the Scott‑Cedar County line approximately 1 mile north and 1 mile west of New Liberty, Iowa.


Due to a review of our Primary Road System Records Iowa 130 in Scott County should be deleted and the new description added should be officially included into the Primary System.




It is recommended that the old description of Iowa 130 in Scott County be deleted and the new description, as referred in the attached detailed description, be included in the Primary Road System effective upon the adoption of this resolution.

Locate Iowa 130 and its extensions in Scott County as follows:




Beginning at the intersection of West River Drive and Brady Street (begin one‑way northbound); thence north on Brady Street to the intersection of Lombard Street; thence west on Lombard Street to Harrison Street (end one‑way northbound); thence northerly and northwesterly to the north corporation line connecting with an un­named street.




Beginning at the intersection of Lombard Street and Harrison Street (begin one‑way southbound); thence south on Harrison Street to the intersection of West River Drive and Harrison Street (end one‑way southbound).


Beginning on the north corporation line of the City of Davenport connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Sections 29, 30, and 19‑T79N‑R3E and Sections 24, 23, 14, and 15‑T79N‑R2E to the east corporation line of the City of Maysville connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning on the east corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence westerly to the west corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the west corporation line of the City of Maysville connecting with an unnamed street; thence westerly through Sections 15 and 16‑T79N‑R2E to a point approximately 700 feet north of the center of Section 16‑T79N‑R2E; thence northwesterly through Sections 16, 17, 8, and 7‑T79N‑R2E to the east corporation line of the City of Plainview connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning on the east corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence in a north westerly direction to the north corporation line connecting with an un­named street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Plainview connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Sections 1 and 2‑T79N‑R1E, and Section 34 and 33‑T80N‑R1E to a point near the center of the NE ¼ of Section 33‑T80N‑R1E; thence west to a point near the center of the NW ¼ of said Section 33; thence northwesterly through Section 33, & 29-T80N-R1E to the southeast corporation line of the City of New Liberty connecting with an unnamed street.


New Liberty:


Beginning on the southeast corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly to the north corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of New Liberty connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Section 19 and 18‑T80N‑R1E to a point on the Scott‑Cedar County line approximately 1000 feet south of the W ¼ Corner of Section 18-­T80N‑R1E Scott County (E ¼ Corner of Section 13‑T80N‑R1W Cedar County).


REVISED:  3-20-86






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  Gene R. Mills



TITLE:  Approving the location of the extension of Iowa 130 in Scott County


Locate Iowa 130 in Scott County, Iowa as follows:




Beginning at the intersection of West River Drive and Brady Street (begin one‑way northbound); thence north on Brady Street to the intersection of Lombard Street; thence west on Lombard Street to Harrison Street (end one‑way northbound); thence north and northwesterly on Harrison Street to the intersection of Kimberly Road and Northwest Boulevard; thence northwesterly on Northwest Boulevard to the north corporation line of the City of Davenport.




Beginning at the intersection of Lombard Street and Harrison Street (begin one‑way southbound); thence south on Harrison Street to the intersection of West River Drive and Harrison Street (end one‑way southbound).


NOW THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa State Highway Commis­sion approve the location of the extension of Iowa 130 in Scott County, Iowa.


NOTE: To become effective upon adoption of this resolution and in accordance with Iowa State Highway Commission Agreement Number 73-­16‑114.






COUNTY:  Scott

ROUTE:  Iowa 130

APPROVAL DATE:  12-31-68




Beginning at the intersection of West River Drive and Harrison Street; thence northerly on Harrison Street to its intersection with Kimberly Road and Northwest Boulevard; thence northwesterly on Northwest Boulevard to the north corporation line.


Beginning on the north corporation line of the City of Davenport, connecting with Northwest Boulevard; thence north­westerly through Section 29, 30 and 19‑T79N‑R3E, and Section 24, 23, 14 and 15‑T79N‑R2E, to the east corporation line of the Town of Maysville connecting with Jefferson Street.




Beginning on Jefferson Street at the east corporation line; thence westerly on Jefferson Street to the west corporation line.


Beginning again on the west corporation line of the Town of Maysville, connecting with Jefferson Street; thence westerly to a point approximately 700 ft. north of the center of Section 16-­T79N‑R2E; thence northwesterly through Section 16, 17, 8 and 7-T79N-­R2E, to the east corporation line of the Town of Plainview, connecting with an unnamed street.




Beginning on the east corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly on said unnamed street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the Town of Plainview connecting with an unnamed street; thence north­westerly through Section 1 and 2‑T79N‑R1E, and Section 35 and 34‑T80N-­R1E to a point near the center of the NE ¼ of Section 33‑T80N‑R1E; thence west to a point near the center of the NW ¼ of said Section 33; thence northwesterly through Section 29‑T80N‑R1E to the east corporation line of the Town of New Liberty connecting with Main Street.


New Liberty:


Beginning on Main Street at the east corporation line; thence northwesterly on Main Street to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the Town of New Liberty, connecting with Main Street; thence northwesterly through Section 19 and 18‑T80N‑R1E to a point on the Scott‑Cedar county line approximately 1000 ft. south of the W ¼ Corner of Section 18‑T80N‑R1E Scott County (E ¼ Corner of Section 13‑T80N‑R1W Cedar County).