OFFICE: Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY: Patrick R. Cain



TITLE:  Official Description Change:  Unsigned Iowa 960, Scott County




Transfer of jurisdiction agreement number TJ‑960‑0 (1) ‑‑2M‑82, between the City of Davenport and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of Unsigned Iowa 960 (old US 61), from a point approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E north to the north corporation line of Davenport, to city jurisdiction on September 22, 1986.


Transfer of jurisdiction agreement number TJ‑960‑0 (2) ‑‑2M‑82, between Scott County and the Iowa Department of Transportation transferred, that portion of Unsigned Iowa 960 (old US 61), from the north corporation line of Davenport north to a cul‑de‑sac in the SW ¼ of Section 25‑T79N‑R3E, to county jurisdiction on September 22, 1986.


The official description of Unsigned Iowa 960 should be deleted from the Primary Road System to reflect these transfers.


Unsigned Iowa 960 begins in Davenport approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E and travels northerly to a cul‑de‑sac in the SW ¼ of Section 25‑T79N‑R3E.




It is recommended to approve deleting the description of Unsigned Iowa 960 in Scott County from the Primary Road System.


Old Description ‑ Unsigned Iowa 960 and its extension in Scott County described as follows:




Beginning on an unnamed street at a point approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E; thence northerly to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Davenport connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly and northeasterly to a cul‑de‑sac at a point approximately 2,100 feet north and 1,375 feet east of the SW Corner Section 25‑T79N‑R3E.






OFFICE:  Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY:  Patrick R. Cain



TITLE:  Official Description Change:  Unsigned Iowa 960, Scott County




US 61 was relocated from a junction with Interstate 80 in Davenport north to the Scott‑Clinton County Line near the W ¼ Corner Section 1‑T80N‑R3E.  The portion of the old alignment from approximately 800 feet south of the north corporation line of Davenport at a point approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E northerly to a cul‑de‑sac in the SW ¼ of Section 25‑T79N‑R3E was Functionally Classified as area service under the State Functional Classification System on May 21, 1985 by the Scott County Functional Classification Board and should be re-designated as Unsigned Iowa 960 and the official description included in the Primary Road System to reflect this change.


Unsigned Iowa 960 begins in Davenport approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E and travels northerly to a cul‑de‑sac in the SW ¼ of Section 25‑T79N‑R3E.




It is recommended to approve adding the description of Unsigned Iowa 960 in Scott County in the Primary Road System.

New Description ‑ Unsigned Iowa 960 and its extension in Scott County described as follows:




Beginning on an unnamed street at a point approximately 2,100 feet north of the SW Corner Section 36‑T79N‑R3E; thence northerly to the north corporation line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Davenport connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly and northeasterly to a cul‑de‑sac at a point approximately 2,100 feet north and 1,375 feet east of the SW Corner Section 25‑T79N‑R3E.


DELETED: 10-30-86