This IM describes the data collection phase of Pavement Management, which provides information for performance evaluations, material utilization, and construction features of HMA paving projects. The HMA Paving History (Form #937) is used for data collection and reporting.
Form #937, copy attached, is to be filled out for each pavement course constructed.
Pavement histories will be required on all Interstate and Primary projects with greater than 5000 tons (Mg) production.
Each project may include several types of construction, e.g., base, intermediate, surface, shoulders, sub-base and resurfacing.
The report form has space allowed for a number of data entries; include all data that is readily available. Include milepost limits on the location description line.
The District Materials Engineer will be responsible for initiating the report and for maintaining at least one file at the District Materials Office. Additional files at the District level may be maintained as required by District Staff. Forward one copy to Central Materials Office for the statewide files to be maintained in the Office of Materials at the Central Office. Additionally, one copy of the report should be forwarded to the appropriate Resident Maintenance Engineer or County Engineer.