Section 4123.  Modified Subbase Material


4123.01     DESCRIPTION.

Aggregate of the following Types:

·         Crushed stone,

·         Gravels for which 75% or more of the particles retained on the 3/8 inch sieve have at least one fractured face as defined in Materials I.M. 305,

·         Recycled pavements meeting Materials I.M. 210, or

·         Uniformly blended combinations of these materials with a maximum of 50% RAP.


4123.02     GRADATION.


A.    Meet the requirements for Gradation No. 14 of the Aggregate Gradation Table, Article 4109.02.


B.    Process RAP to pass the 2 inch sieve.


C.    Uncrushed gravel and/or sand may be uniformly blended with crushed recycled pavement or crushed stone at a maximum rate of 50% to meet gradation requirements.


4123.03     QUALITY.


A.    The requirements of Table 4123.03-1 apply to blended and non-blended virgin materials:


Table 4123.03-1: Aggregate Quality (Blended and Non-blended Virgin Materials)

Aggregate Quality

Maximum Percent Allowed

Test Method

Abrasion (a)

45 50


C Freeze


Iowa DOT Materials Laboratory Test Method No. 211, Method C

Alumina (b) (a) (minus No. 40 material)


Iowa DOT Materials Laboratory Test Method No. 222

(a)    Virgin material with Al2O3 not exceeding 0.7 (+4) or A-freeze not exceeding 10 may have an abrasion maximum of 55.

(b)    For gravel or gravel/non-gravel blend, have a plasticity index not exceeding 7 for each source.

(a)    The alumina requirement does not apply to gravel and recycled PCC.


B.    Acquire gravel or gravel/non-gravel blend products from a gravel source with a plasticity index not exceeding 7. The requirements of Table 4123.03-1 apply to recycled PCC when the aggregate source is unknown as outlined in Materials I.M. 210.