Section 2547.  Temporary Stream Access


2547.01     Description.

This work consists of the construction, use, maintenance and removal of temporary structures used to provide construction access across along or into waters of the United States. Temporary structures are any features not a part of the completed project that are constructed or installed to provide access to the project site including stream crossings, causeways, pads and temporary bridges or barges.


2547.02     Materials.

Furnish fill materials. Do not obtain from the stream unless specifically allowed elsewhere in the contract documents.


2547.03     Construction.


A.    The type of structure used, if any, is at the Contractor’s discretion provided it complies with Article 1105.14. Unless indicated otherwise in the contract documents, the Contracting Authority will obtain approval for temporary stream crossings, constructed according to Standard Road Plan RL-16 EW-401 or as shown in the contract documents, in the Section 404 permit. Should the Contractor elect to access the waterway using different methods than provided for in the contract documents, the Contractor shall be responsible to Oobtain a Section 404 permit for temporary stream crossings not to be constructed according to RL-16 or the contract documents from the US Army Corps of Engineers.


B.    Ensure temporary structures do not restrict expected high flows or disrupt the movement of aquatic life native to the stream or water body. Expected high flows are those flows which the Contractor expects to experience during the period of time that the crossing is in place. Temporary structures are not to extend over 100 feet (30 m) into any swamp, bog, marsh, or similar area that is adjacent to the stream or water body. Unless indicated otherwise in the contract documents, the Contracting Authority will obtain Section 408 approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the local sponsor for work on a federal levee, federal control structure, or access to a waterway within a federal levee and the use of a temporary stream crossing (Standard Road Plan EW–401). Should the Contractor elect to construct the project using different methods than provided for in the contract documents, the Contractor will be responsible to obtain Section 408 approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the local sponsor and Section 404 approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 


C.    Ensure pre-construction downstream flow conditions are maintained. temporary structures:  Maintain normal downstream flows, do not restrict expected high flows, do not disrupt movement of aquatic life native to the stream or water body, and minimize the potential for flooding. Expected high flows are flows which the Contractor expects to experience during the period of time the crossing is in place.


D.    Maintain temporary structures to prevent unnecessary erosion and other non-point sources of pollution.


E.    Completely remove temporary structures within 30 calendar days of no longer being needed. Revetment that has been removed may be incorporated elsewhere in the project, provided it meets the specification for the intended final use. Remove all other fill material to an upland area. Reshape and stabilize all disturbed areas.


2547.04     Method of Measurement.



2547.05     Basis of Payment.

Temporary Stream Accesses is incidental to Mobilization.