The purpose of this Instructional Memorandum is to outline the procedures to be followed for materials quality assurance inspection and other materials associated services performed for counties, cities, and other state agencies. This is in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Code of Iowa, the Iowa Administrative Code, and the Iowa Department of Transportation Policies and Procedures Manual.
The level and type of review required depends on the category to which the project belongs, as defined below:
1. Federally Funded County and City Road, Street, and Bridge Projects.
· Surface Transportation Program (STP-S, STP-U, STP-A, CS-TS-STP-U, STP-S-TS)
· Highway Demonstration Program (HDP, DE, DPI, DE-RP, DPR)
· Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program (BROS, BHOS, BRM, BHM, BRS, BHS, BR-RP)
· Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program (IBRC)
· National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program (HCBP)
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP, HSIPX)
· High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR)
· Emergency Relief (ER)
· Economic Stimulus / Recovery Act (ESFM, ESFTA, ESIM, ESIMX, ESL, ESP, ESR)
· Transportation Community System Preservation Program (TCSP)
2. Federally Funded County and City Non-highway Projects.
· Transportation Enhancement (STP-E, STP-ES, STP-ES-E)
· Federal Recreational Trails (NRT)
· Safe Routes to School (SRTS, SRTS-S, SRTS-U)
· National Scenic Byways (SB-IA)
· Transportation Enhancement Earmarks (EDP)
· Transportation Alternatives (TAP-T, TAP-U, TAP-R)
3. State-assisted projects or cooperative projects involving through traffic lanes on primary roads, including turn lanes and other work within the primary right-of-way that will be owned and maintained by the Department.
· Traffic Safety Improvement Program (CS-TSF, FM-TSF)
· Parks and Institutional Roads and other State agencies (SP, BR, DHS, DC, SFB, SCG)
4. Farm-to-Market, Local, or State-assisted projects on county roads or city streets that do not involve any work on primary highway through traffic lanes or turn lanes that will be owned and maintained by the Department.
· Farm-to-Market (FM, LFM)
· Traffic Safety Improvement Program (FM-TSF, L-TSF, CS-TSF)
· State Bridge (SBRC, SBRM, SBRFM)
· State Recreational Trails (RT)
· Curb Ramp Program (ADA)
· 100% Locally funded city or county projects let at the Department (L, CS). Note: 100% locally funded city or county projects that are let locally have no Department involvement in any aspect of the project development or construction.
Project materials quality assurance inspection services and other materials associated services provided to counties, cities, and other state agencies will be billed to them. For Category 2-4 projects, a written request outlining the services requested must be submitted from the contracting authority to the DME. A copy will be forwarded to the Office of Construction and Materials. For Category 1 projects no written request is required.
A. Invoicing for Materials Inspection.
The Office of Construction and Materials will invoice counties and cities as follows:
1. Invoicing for project inspection costs will be based on a cost per test basis, which is calculated at the beginning of the calendar year using a running average of the previous four years' cost and work experience. These rates shall apply to inspection performed during that calendar year. Invoicing for requested investigations or surveys for location, quantity, or quality of material resources will be based on actual total time, mileage and expense costs incurred in the investigation or survey.
2. For Federal Aid and County Farm to Market and qualifying State-Assisted Projects, the invoices will be prepared and forwarded to the Office of Accounting for all inspection performed upon processing of the project final estimates.
3. For other projects, except when other arrangements are made, an invoice will be prepared at the end of the calendar year and forwarded to the Office of Accounting invoices for all inspection performed to date on the basis of contract quantities. If a county or city wishes to be billed at the completion of a project they must notify the District Materials Engineer of the project completion and request a billing.
B. Equipment Calibration
The DME will assist the local agency in witnessing the calibration of PCC and HMA equipment for Category 1-3 Projects and Category 4 projects (FM projects only).
C. Source Inspection
Source inspection will include manufactured materials including precast and prestress plants listed in IM 204 (except steel fabrication plants) as well as aggregate sources. When required or requested the Office of Construction and Materials will arrange for inspection of materials furnished from outside the State of Iowa in areas where normal routine inspection service is available either by Iowa DOT personnel or other agencies.
1. For Category 1 Projects, the source inspection requirements of IM 205 and IM 204 will be followed.
2. For Category 2 Projects, the DME, when requested, will perform the source inspection tasks in IM 204.
3. For Category 3 Projects except FM, the DME, when requested, will perform the source inspection tasks in IM 204.
4. For Category 4 Projects (All Projects), the DME, when requested, will perform the source inspection tasks in IM 204.
D. Project Inspection
1. For Category 1 Projects, the inspection requirements of IM 205 and IM 204 will be followed.
2. For Category 2 Projects, the DME, when requested, will perform the DME tasks in IM 204.
3. For Category 3 Projects except FM, the DME, when requested, will perform the DME tasks in IM 204.
4. For Category 4 Projects (FM projects only), the DME, when requested, will perform limited testing.
a) HMA mix design paper review or evaluation of test strip results.
b) Verification testing of un-compacted mixture will be done the first day and then one test per week maximum.
c) Verification testing of asphalt binder will be done the first day and then one test per week maximum.
d) Verification testing of compacted mixture will be done the first day and then one test per week maximum.
e) Verification testing of smoothness will be done at the rate in IM 204.
Certification by the DME on form 830436 or 640003 will be based on the category. The form 830436 has qualifying statements that are to be used by the DME depending on the level of audit. The Office of Construction and Materials does not send a certification to the FHWA on local agency projects.
A. Certification
1. For Category 1 Projects, the local agency will certify the work was completed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications, including the materials incorporated.
The DME will sign the form 830436 with the qualifying statement marked if appropriate.
2. For Category 2 Projects, the local agency will certify the work was completed in substantial compliance with the plans, specifications, and agreements (when applicable).
The DME will sign the form 830436 with the qualifying statement marked if appropriate.
3. For Category 3 Projects, the local agency will certify the work was completed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications, including the materials incorporated.
The DME may be required to sign form 640003. The DME may designate specific materials or contract items that have been reviewed.
4. For Category 4 Projects that are state assisted, the local agency will certify the work was completed in substantial compliance with the plans, specifications, and agreements (when applicable).
No DME signature is required.
B. Audit
After the project is completed, materials auditing is done in accord with requirements of Department policies and IM 101.