The District Materials Office will qualify the other laboratories and maintain records of the qualification for three years. The District Staff will check the following prior to qualifying a laboratory:


1.   Establish the type of laboratory (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Soils Field, PC Concrete).

2.   Check for current manuals and test procedures covering the qualified testing.

3.   Check the certification of the testing personnel.

4.   Document that proper equipment is available to perform qualified testing.

5.   Check documentation system.


Scheduling of the qualification review will be discussed with the laboratories seeking qualification. The District staff performing the qualification review should have the appropriate certification (IM 213) for the type of laboratory and tests being reviewed.  The District Materials Engineer should be contacted for laboratories that have been qualified in other states. The District Materials Office may qualify a laboratory based on an acceptable qualification report and qualification program from another state transportation agency.


Table 1 and the pages following cover the list of items to be reviewed.


An oral close out on any deficiencies will be held with the testing personnel. Written notice will be sent within two weeks of the inspection. District personnel will re-inspect after correction of any deficiencies.


A form showing the laboratory type, the date qualified, and the expiration date will be issued by the District Materials Engineer.


The list of Qualified Laboratories will be maintained on a database accessible by authorized Materials Personnel.




A laboratory that does not meet the requirements of the IM is subject to elimination from the qualification program.


The office responsible for the qualification will resolve disputes concerning calibration and correlation of equipment. For disputes that cannot be resolved at the District level, the Central Materials Laboratory will be the final authority.


Table 1 - Laboratory Qualification Checklist


                                                                                                      Calib./Verif.          Calib./Verif.

                                                                                                     Interval                 Procedure

Tester Qualifications-Proper Iowa DOT certifications




Current Test Procedures




Current Calibration Procedures & Records




Documentation of correlation results and corrective actions taken for previous construction season.








Soils Field Laboratory






12 months

Iowa 917

Sieves- wear, tear, size


12 months


Mold, Base, and rammer condition



IM 309





Aggregate Laboratory






12 months

Iowa 917

Sieves- wear, tear, size, and opening size


12 months

Iowa 1506

Splitter- condition


12 months


Mechanical Shakers- condition (if used)


12 months

Iowa 1502





HMA Laboratory




Balances- and water bath


12 months

Iowa 917

Sieves- wear, tear, size, and opening size


12 months

Iowa 1506

Splitter- condition


12 months


Mechanical Shakers- condition (if used)


12 months

Iowa 1502

Rice equipment- vacuum and flask


12 months

IM 350



12 months

Iowa 1607

Ovens- temperatures


12 months

Iowa 1501

Gyratory Compactor and molds


12 months

Iowa 1522





PCC Laboratory






12 months

Iowa 917

Sieves- wear, tear, size, and opening size


12 months

Iowa 1506

Splitter- condition


12 months


Mechanical Shakers- condition (if used)


12 months

Iowa 1502

Air Meter


12 months

IM 318

Slump Cone and equipment-condition


12 months


Flexural Strength Apparatus


12 months

Central Lab


(a)  The mold, base or rammer should be checked if the condition warrants.




PCC Portable Paving Plant


The following list contains, as a minimum, what is required for a qualified PCC paving plant laboratory. The test equipment to perform each of the required tests is contained in the respective IM.


·         Field Lab of suitable size for workspace, space to perform tests, and sample storage. Locate the Field Lab so it is convenient to the plant, but outside the influence of plant vibration.



Personal computer


All in one printer

Sample storage

Work table

Electrical outlets

Running water available to perform necessary testing

Desk and chair

Incidental spoon, pans, pails


·         The personal computer shall be capable of running Iowa DOT programs. It is recommended to have at least Windows 2000 or newer software on the computer. Iowa DOT programs have been checked and are capable of running on Windows 2000 and newer software.


HMA Plant


The following list contains, as a minimum, what is required for a qualified asphalt laboratory. The test equipment to perform each of the required tests is contained in the respective IM.


·         Field Lab and Office [Suggested size 8 ft. x 44 ft. (2.4 m x 13.41 m)]. Locate the Field Lab so it is convenient to the plant, but outside the influence of plant vibration.



Personal computer


Fax machine

Copy Machine

Sample storage

Work table

Bulletin board

Water available to perform necessary testing

Desk and chair

Incidental spoon, trowels, pans, pails


·         The personal computer shall be capable of running Iowa DOT programs. It is recommended to have at least Windows 2000 or newer software on the computer. Iowa DOT programs have been checked and are capable of running on Windows 2000 and newer software.


Removable storage device

Color monitor, VGA or better



·         Diamond saw for cutting core lifts.


·         Diamond core drill (minimum 4” diameter core).