Grad. No. |
Section No. |
Std. Sieve Size |
1½ |
1 |
3/4 |
1/2 |
3/8 |
#4 |
#8 |
#30 |
#50 |
#100 |
#200 |
Intended Use |
Percent Passing |
*Notes |
1 |
PCC FA Cover Agg. |
100 |
90-100 |
70-100 |
10-60 |
0-1.5 |
1 |
2 |
PCC Intermediate |
0-10 |
3 |
100 |
95-100 |
25-60 |
0-10 |
0-5 |
0-1.5 |
2,10 |
4 |
4115 (2-8) |
100 |
50-100 |
30-100 |
20-75 |
5-55 |
0-10 |
0-5 |
0-1.5 |
10 |
5 |
4115 (67, 2-8) |
100 |
90-100 |
20-55 |
0-10 |
0-5 |
0-1.5 |
10 |
6 |
(Repair & Overlay) |
100 |
97-100 |
40-90 |
0-30 |
0-1.5 |
10 |
7 |
4117 (Class V) |
100 |
80-92 |
60-75 |
20-40 |
8 |
4117.03 (Class V) |
Fine Limestone |
100 |
90-100 |
0-30 |
10 |
(C Gravel) |
Granular Surface |
100 |
50-80 |
25-60 |
3, 11 |
11 |
(A, B, Cr. St.) |
Granular Surface & Shoulder |
100 |
95-100 |
70-90 |
30-55 |
15-40 |
6-16 |
4, 5, 11 |
12a |
4121 (Cr. St.) |
Granular Subbase |
100 |
40-80 |
5-25 |
0-6 |
6, 11 |
12b |
4121 (Cr. Gravel) |
Granular Subbase |
100 |
50-80 |
10-30 |
5-15 |
3-7 |
7, 11 |
13 |
4122.02 (Cr. St.) |
Macadam St. Base |
3 nominal maximum size screened over 3/4 or 1 screen |
14 |
Modified Subbase |
100 |
70-90 |
10-40 |
3-10 |
5, 7, 11 |
19 |
4125 (1/2 Cr. Gr. or Cr. St.) |
Cover Aggregate |
100 |
97-100 |
40-90 |
0-30 |
0-15 |
0-2 |
11 |
20 |
4125 (1/2 Scr. Gr.) |
Cover Aggregate |
100 |
95-100 |
40-80 |
0-15 |
0-7 |
0-1.5 |
11 |
21 |
4125 (3/8) |
Cover Aggregate |
100 |
90-100 |
10-55 |
0-20 |
0-7 |
0-1.5 |
11 |
22 |
Fine Slurry Mixture |
100 |
85-100 |
40-95 |
20-60 |
14-35 |
10-25 |
5-25 |
9, 11 |
23 |
4124.02 (Cr. St.) |
Coarse Slurry Mixture |
100 |
70-90 |
40-70 |
19-42 |
5-15 |
11 |
29 |
Porous Backfill |
100 |
95-100 |
50-100 |
0-50 |
0-8 |
11 |
30 |
4132.02 (Cr. St.) |
Special Backfill |
100 |
10-40 |
0-10 |
5, 11 |
31 |
4132.03 (Gravel) |
Special Backfill |
100 |
90-100 |
75-100 |
30-55 |
3-7 |
11 |
32 |
4133 (Sand/Gr./Cr. St.) |
Granular Backfill |
100% passing the 3 screen |
10-100 |
0-10 |
8, 11 |
35 |
4134 (Natural Sand/Gr.) |
Floodable Backfill |
100 |
20-90 |
0-4 |
11 |
36 |
4134 (Natural Sand) |
Floodable Backfill |
100 |
0-2 |
11 |
Notes: (Gradations Nos. 2, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33 and 34 have been deleted.) |
1. For Section 4110, when the fine aggregate is sieved through the following numbered sieves - 4, 8, 16, 30, 50, and 100 - not more than 40% shall pass one sieve and be retained on the sieve with the next higher number.
2. When used in precast and prestressed concrete bridge beams, 100% shall pass the 1 sieve. When used for pipe bedding the No. 200 restriction does not apply.
3. When compaction of material is a specification requirement, the minimum percent passing the No. 200 sieve is 6%. When used as trench backfill, must be a minimum 75% crushed gravel.
4. See specifications for combination of gravel and limestone.
5. Unwashed air-dried samples of crushed composite material shall be tested for gradation compliance except that no gradation determination will be made for material passing the No. 200 sieve.
6. The gradation requirement for the No. 8 sieve shall be 5% to 20% when recycled material is supplied.
7. For Section 4121 gravel, one fractured face on 30% or more of the particles retained on the 3/8-inch sieve. For Section 4123 gravel, one fractured face on 75% or more of the particles retained on the 3/8-inch sieve.
8. Crushed stone shall have 100% passing the 1.5 sieve.
9. Gradation limitations for the 30, 50 and 100 sieves shall not apply when slurry mixture is applied by hand lutes, such as for slurry leveling.
10. Maximum of 2.5% passing the No. 200 sieve allowed for crushed limestone or dolomite when documented production is 1% or less.
11. When Producer gradation test results are used for acceptance, test results representing at least 90% of the material being produced shall be within the gradation limits and the average of all gradation results shall be within the gradations limits. Stockpiled material not meeting the criteria may, at the District Materials Engineers discretion, be resampled using Materials I.M. 301 procedures. One hundred percent of the stockpile quality control and verification test results shall be within the gradation limits.