Iowa DOT will accept cements and cement blends approved or certified by other state transportation agencies, providing that state agrees to the following terms and that source meets Article 4101 of Standards Specifications.


1.      The host state agency will require the cement plant within its boundaries to have a laboratory compliant with ASTM C1222, Standard Practice for Evaluation of Laboratories Testing Hydraulic Cement. This laboratory shall be AASHTO accredited and will perform testing on the applicable types of cement produced (ASTM C 150/AASHTO M 85, C595/AASHTO M 240, C 1157) and shipped for state agencies consumption. Agency laboratories used for verification testing must meet the same criteria.


2.      The host state agency will require the cement plant within its boundaries to have a printed, agency acceptable quality control/quality assurance plan for the production of cements used by state agencies. The plan must include commitments to comply with ASTM C1222 and ASTM C183, Standard Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement. The host state agency will verify compliance with the quality control plan.


3.      The host state agency will require the cement producer to maintain and provide, for each lot (silo) of cement shipped, a compilation of Mill Test Reports in an electronic form (Excel spread sheet). The applicable data will be provided to the host state agency at least semiannually.


4.      The host state agency will require the cement producer to submit split samples of a regular Portland cement (ASTM C150/AASHTO M85) and a blended cement (ASTM C595/AASHTO M240) or performance specification cement (ASTM C1157) if produced, semiannually for verification testing.


5.      The host state agency will require the cement producer to submit reports for ASTM C917, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Cement Strength Uniformity From a Single Source, for both a regular Portland cement and a blended cement, if produced, at least semiannually.


6.      The host state agency will require the cement producer to maintain production and quality control/quality assurance records for at least seven years and make those records available if requested.


7.      The host state agency will review submittals from the cement producer along with agency test results. If deficiencies are discovered, the state agency will monitor corrective actions taken by the producer until the deficiencies are corrected. The reciprocal agreement state agency will be notified of the deficiencies and of each occurrence.


8.      Any test results or submittals collected by the host state agency may be made available to the reciprocal agreement state agency upon request.


9.      All cement plant information and data is confidential within the limits of a public agency and is for state agencies information and inspection only.


10.    Quality assurance test results of field samples, performed by a reciprocal state, shall be reported to the host state agency when non-compliance occurs. The reciprocal state agency will deal directly with the cement producer. The host state agency will take action as described in Item 7. The host state agency shall notify all reciprocal agreement state agencies when non-compliance occurs.


11.    Cement tests or requirements beyond the standards stated above may be provided to reciprocal state agencies by agreement between the host state and reciprocal state agencies.