Flexible foam expansion joint filler shall meet the requirements of applicable Iowa Department of Transportation Specifications.
Acceptance of flexible foam expansion joint filler will be on the basis of approved sources. Approved joint fillers are listed in Appendix A. EF joint filler has holes to accommodate dowel bars.
To seek approved source status, the manufacturer shall submit to the Central Materials Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, a three-foot sample of finished material from regular production. The sample shall be accompanied by a report showing the quality control testing obtained by the manufacturer. The sample will be tested with results reported to the manufacturer. This status of source approval will be included with the report. To maintain approved source status, the manufacturer shall file a certification statement with the Central Materials Laboratory the beginning of each calendar year as follows:
This is to certify that flexible foam joint filler(s) furnished under the brand name(s) of ________________________ to Iowa Department of Transportation projects are identical with previously approved material(s).
Manufacturer _____________________
Signed __________________________
Date ____________________________
The Office of Materials may sample a lot at the job site, supplier, or source and test to verify compliance with specifications.