This memorandum covers Utility Access Adjustment Rings for use on ACC resurfacing projects. The adjustment ring for the utility access may be furnished either as segmented ring or as a one-unit ring. When it is used, it will effectively raise the height of the utility access to accommodate for the AC overlay thickness without a need to raise the entire frame from its original foundation.
If Ring Risers are made out of carbon steel, then the carbon steel shall meet the requirements of ASTM A36.
If Ring Risers are made out of cast iron, then the cast iron shall meet the requirements of ASTM A48 Class 35 B. Ring Risers shall be suitable to meet the size and dimensional requirements of Standard Road Plans SW-602 Type G.
Acceptance shall be on the basis of approved fabricator certifications and proper identifications. Shipments to projects shall be accompanied by bill of lading and certificate of compliance with the following information:
1. Fabricator Name
2. Signature of Authorized Person
3. County, Project Number and Contract Number
4. Ring Risers shall conform to the shape, weight, and dimensions of the fabricator approved shop drawings.
“It is hereby certified that the Utility Access Ring Riser listed was manufactured to meet the applicable requirements of the Iowa Department of Transportation” and the requirements of the ASTM.
Two additional copies shall be forwarded to the Office of Materials, Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames, Iowa.
Acceptance is contingent upon inspection and compliance with all items listed in Appendix A, B, C, and D.