Acceptance of concrete anchor bolts (also known as anchor rods) shall be on the basis of mill certification and acceptable test results from an approved manufacturer and as well as sampling and testing by the Iowa DOT as required by this IM. The anchor bolts specified herein are intended for anchoring structural support to concrete foundations. Such structural support include but not limited to: High mast tower lighting, light poles, overhead sign trusses, cantilever sign supports, traffic signals and bridge bearings


Anchor Bolts shall meet the requirements of Article 4187 and 2405.03H of the Standard Specifications.


Anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall be of domestic origin, melted and manufactured in the USA.


Mill test reports shall have a statement of compliance with the ASTM requirements certified and signed by the fabricator technical representative.  Mill test reports shall be included with the 193’s. (sample identification)


Mill test reports shall be reviewed, verified, and initialed by the fabricator.  DOT inspectors shall review the mill test reports prior to sampling and verify compliance with the specification requirements for approved manufacturer, grade, and galvanizing.


At the time of shipment, one copy of properly identified Certified Mill Analysis shall be forwarded to the project engineer and one copy to the respective District Materials Engineer. Anchor bolts shall be of the dimension, size and grade as shown in the contract documents. Nuts and washers shall be as specified for grade, type, size and style. Galvanizing (zinc coating) requirements shall be as specified herein.


Manufacturers shall be approved on the following basis:


1.    Quality Control Plan procedures

2.    Qualified quality control personnel

3.    Applicable certifications

4.    Shop/equipment approval


Anchor bolts Type F1554 are available in 3 grades (Grade 36, 55, and 105)denoting minimum yield strength and two classes denoting thread class (Class 1A and 2A).


Anchor bolts shall not be installed without prior inspection, sampling, and testing by the Iowa DOT. .


Anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall meet the following requirements:

            A. Anchor Bolts

1.    Comply with ASTM F1554, Grade 36, 55, 51 or Grade 105,55 (as specified)

2.    Threads are to comply with ANSI/ASME B1.1 for unified coarse thread series, class 2A tolerance and the dimensions as specified in ANSI/ASME B18.22.1

3.    Use full length galvanized anchor bolts

4.    The end of each anchor bolt intended to project from the concrete shall be color coded to identify the grade

5.    Anchor bolts shall not be bent or welded on.

Note: Bending is not allowed in the field


            B. Nuts

1.    Shall comply with ASTM A563, Grade DH, heavy hex

2.    Threads are to comply with ANSI/ASME B1.1 for the unified coarse thread series, class 2B tolerance and the dimensions as specified in ANSI/ASME B18.22.1

3.    Galvanized nuts shall be tapped oversize in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A563


            C. Washers


            Washers shall be hardened steel washers and shall meet the requirements of ASTM F436 type 1


D.   Galvanizing

            Galvanizing the entire anchor bolt assembly (anchor bolts, nuts and washers) in accordance with the requirements of ASTM B695, class 55, type 1 or ASTM F2329 with the zinc bath    temperature limited to no more than 850ºF (455ºC)


            The entire assembly must be galvanized by the same zinc coating process, with no mix in the processes in a lot of fasteners assemblies.


            E. Swedge anchor bolts (anchor bolts for bearings)

1.    Comply with the requirements of ASTM F1554 Grade 36

2.    Threads are to comply with ANSI/ASME B1.1 for the unified coarse thread series, class 2A tolerance and the dimensions specified in ANSI/ASME B18.22.1

3.    Use full length galvanized swedge anchor bolts

4.    Galvanize the bolts, nuts and washers to the requirements of ASTM F2329 with zinc bath temperature not to exceed 850ºF (455ºC) or ASTM B695, class 55, type 1

5.    Nuts for swedge anchor bolts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade DH, Heavy Hex, class 2 B

6.    Threads are to comply with ANSI/ASME B1.1 for the unified coarse threads series class 2B tolerance and the dimensions requirements of B.22.1

7.    Galvanized nuts shall be tapped oversize in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A563

8.    Washers shall be hardened steel washers meeting the requirements of ASTM F436- galvanized, type 1

9.    Galvanize the entire anchor bolt assemblies (swedge anchor bolts, nuts and washers) by the same zinc coating process in a lot of fastener assemblies


            F. Swedge anchor bolt requirements

1.    Indentations shall be formed by displacement of metal in a staggered pattern. No cutting shall be allowed to form the indentations

2.    Indentations can either be either oblong or round in shape

3.    Depth of indentations: 3-5mm or 0.12”-0.20”

4.    Width of indentations: 6-13mm or 0.24”-0.51”

5.    Spacing between indentations: 51-76mm or 2.0”-3.0”

6.    Anchor bolts shall be set in accordance with article 2405.03H2 of the Standard Specifications


Appendix A list approved fabricators and suppliers of anchor bolts.  Appendix C list approved fabricators and suppliers of swedge achor bolts.


Four different categories are listed in this IM. Each category is addressed separately due to the difference in the requirements.




The end of each anchor bolt intended for use on Iowa DOT projects shall be color-coded to identify the grade as follows:


Specification                     Grade                             Color

F-1554                               36                                   Blue

F-1554                               55, S1                             Yellow

F-1554                               105, S5                           Red


Bridge Swedged Anchor Bolts (Per Design Drawings)(for approved sources, see Appendix C)



Bolt Size

in (mm)


Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex






¼”-4” (6.4-102)

(Full Length Galvanized)


ASTM F1554

Grade 36

Class 2A




Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F-2329* or

ASTM B 695

Class 55, Type 1


Overhead Sign Support Structure & Cantilever Sign Structure (4187.01C) (for approved sources, see Appendix A)



Anchor Bolt

Size in. (mm)


Anchor Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex








(Full Length Galvanized)


ASTM F-1554

Grade 55,S1,105,S5

Class  2A (as specified)



Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F-2329* or

ASTM B 695

Class 55, Type 1


Tower Lighting (2522.04D) (for approved sources, see Appendix A)



Anchor Bolt

Size in. (mm)


Anchor Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex






1.0” – 3.0””

25.4 – 76.2)

(Full Length



ASTM F-1554

Grade 105, S5

Class 2A



Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F-2329* or

ASTM B 695 Class 55, Type 1


Light Poles and Traffic Signalization (including weigh station clearance poles) (4185.02B & 2525.03.3) (for approved sources, see Appendix A)



Anchor Bolt

Size in. (mm)


Anchor Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex







¼” - 3.0”


(Full Length



ASTM F-1554

Grade 55 or 105

Class  2A (as specified)



Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F2329* or

ASTM B 695

Class 55, Type 1


Miscellaneous Requirements



Anchor Bolt

Size in. (mm)


Anchor Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex







¼” - 4.0”


(Full Length



ASTM F-1554

Grade 55

Class 2A



Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F2329* or

ASTM B 695

Class 55, Type 1


Guard Rail (4155.02 – Anchor Bolts to attach beam rail to bridge barrier rail)



Anchor Bolt

Size in. (mm)


Bolt Grade



Heavy Hex







Per Plan




ASTM A 325, A 307 or

A 449 Type 1

Class 2A (as specified)



Class 2B


ASTM F-436


Type 1


ASTM F2329 or

ASTM B 695

Class 55, Type 1


Note 1 – ASTM A 449 can be used when extra thread length is required.


Note 2:  Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and Washers shall be full length galvanized sample and mill test report shall be required.


Bending:  If bending is required, then the bend section of the bent anchor bolts shall have a cross sectional area not less than 90% of the area of straight portion.


*Zinc bath temperature limited to 850ºF (455ºC)




1.    Minimum sample rate frequency – one sample per project per size. (Bolt, nuts and washers)


2.    Samples shall be properly identified by heat number, source, size and length and shall be accompanied with a representative Mill Test Report.


3.    The contractor shall be responsible for supplying the test sample.


Acceptance:     Approved Source, Test Report and certified Steel Mill Certifications (properly identified analysis) and galvanization certified report (complete)


Anchor Bolts:   1.   Test for hardness and strength (proof loading)

2.   Visual Inspection

a.    Threads

b.    Deformations

3.    Check/test galvanizing thickness

4.    One sample per project per size


Nuts:                  1.   One sample per project per size

2.    Visual Inspection for markings

3.    Check/test galvanizing thickness

4.    Check threads for zinc build-up

5.    Check for over tapping


Washers:           1.   One sample per project per size

2.    Check/test galvanizing thickness

3.    Check/test size and dimension


Distribution:     1.   Copies of all test reports (Mill test reports, galvanization) and documents shall be sent be sent to the designated project engineer, District Materials Engineer, and the Materials Structural Engineer.