Acceptance of paints for painting galvanized structural steel will be on the basis of certification from an approved paint producer.
Producer and product approval shall be obtained before paints can be furnished to projects.
Producer and product approval will be based on information supplied by the producer, past successful performance history or the results of tests by nTPEP (National Transportation Product Evaluation Program).
The paint producer shall submit to the Central Materials Office, product data for paint showing compliance with all specification requirements.
When the Central Materials Office has accepted the producer and products, the approval will remain in effect indefinitely, unless withdrawn because of deficient test results on monitor samples, unsatisfactory field results traceable to the paint, or failure to comply with paint acceptance procedures. If a change is made in the manufacturing process or formulation of paint originally approved, the change must be reported to the Central Materials Office for decision on continuance of the approval. This decision shall be made before such paints are furnished for projects.
The paint producer shall furnish a certification document for each shipment intended for use on Iowa projects. The document shall include the following information concerning the shipment:
1. Date of shipment
2. Name of painting contractor or company to which shipment was made
3. Brand names of product identification numbers
4. Batch or lot numbers
5. Quantity of paints
In addition, the document shall bear the following certification statement and the signature of a responsible company representative:
We hereby certify that the products herein described have been previously approved in accordance with the procedures established by the Iowa Department of Transportation and that they comply with the applicable specifications.
Signed ________________________
A copy of the document prescribed above shall be mailed, at the time of shipment, to the Project Engineer who has work scheduled by the contractor or company involved.
Paint shipments from an approved producer, which are documented as outlined above and appear otherwise satisfactory, may be incorporated in the work.
Producers who actively supply paints for projects shall be required to submit samples of paint to the Central Materials Laboratory on request.
In addition, monitor samples may be requested from the project destination or fabricating shop. District personnel, the painting contractor, or the fabricator may take such samples. Paint, which the Project Engineer believes to be questionable, may be sampled at any time.
All monitor samples shall consist of unopened containers. Maximum sample size shall be 5 gallons (20 liters). Samples taken within the state may be returned after testing.
Test results not in reasonably close conformity with the specifications will be considered sufficient cause to discontinue use of the batch represented and to require sampling of additional batches for evaluating the continuance of producer and product approval.