Prismatic reflectors to be used for various types of delineation shall meet the requirements of Article 4186.11. Plastic backed reflectors are for temporary use only. Aluminum backed reflectors are for either temporary or permanent use.
Acceptance of prismatic reflectors for use on Iowa Department of Transportation projects will be on the basis of manufacturer and brand name approval.
Approved manufacturers and brand names for the various types of delineation applications are listed in Appendix A.
To obtain approval for prismatic reflectors under Appendix A, the manufacturer shall submit the following items to the Office of Materials in Ames, Iowa:
1. Product identification including brand name and product number
2. Complete manufacturer recommendations for usage
3. Product samples consisting of:
a. Post Mounted Delineators - 50 each color
Approval of prismatic reflectors may be withdrawn because of deficient monitor test results; product changes made after original approval, or unsatisfactory field performance.
The Office of Materials may sample and test prismatic reflectors to verify compliance with specifications.