Rock salt shall meet the requirements of the applicable specifications or special provisions designated in the contract documents.
Acceptance of rock salt will be based on a producer certification and the judgment of the responsible Resident Engineer or the engineer’s representative at the point of delivery.
The Central Materials Office will request from each supplier awarded a contract, a certification stating that the salt at the producing plant to be supplied during the contract period, meets the specified requirements. Suppliers that are not producers shall obtain the necessary certification from their producing supplier.
The person responsible for acceptance of salt at the delivery point will provide a Field Order Release to the Purchasing Office in Ames, Iowa for each accepted delivery.
The receiving authority may request testing by the District Laboratory if a delivery is suspected of noncompliance. The testing report supplied to the salt receiving authority shall accompany the Field Order Release to the Purchasing Office.
Delivered rock salt may be sampled and tested to verify the capability of the producer to supply material meeting specification requirements.