B. Removal and Reinstallation of Existing Fence
A. Installation of chain link fence.
B. Removal and reinstallation of existing fences.
C. Installation and removal of temporary fence.
Comply with Division 1 - General Provisions and Covenants, as well as the following:
A. Materials and color samples for vinyl-coated fence fabric.
B. Upon request, submit certification that products supplied comply with identified specifications.
Comply with Division 1 - General Provisions and Covenants.
Comply with Division 1 - General Provisions and Covenants.
Comply with Division 1 - General Provisions and Covenants.
Provide chain link fencing and gates as completed units, constructed by a single source, including necessary erection accessories, fittings, and fastenings.
1. Measurement: Measurement will be in linear feet for each type and height of fence, measured along the bottom of the fence fabric, excluding the length of gates.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price per linear foot for each type and height of fence installed.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, posts, fabric, rails, braces, truss rods, ties, tension wire, tension bands, tension bars, grounds, fittings, PVC coating (if specified in the contract documents), excavation of post holes, and concrete encasement of posts.
1. Measurement: Each type, height, and span of gate will be counted.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price for each type, height, and span of gate.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, gate rails, fabric, stretcher bars, braces, vertical stay, hinges, latches, keepers, drop bar lock, center gate stop, and barbed wire (if specified in the contract documents).
1. Measurement: Measurement will be in linear feet for the length of fence to which barbed wire is applied, measured along the top of fence.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price per linear foot of barbed wire.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, furnishing and installing all necessary strands of barbed wire, anchors, and barbed wire supporting arms.
D. Removal and Reinstallation of Existing Fence:
1. Measurement: Measurement will be in linear feet for each type and size of fence removed and reinstalled, measured along the bottom of the fence fabric, including length of gates.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price per linear foot for each size and type of fence removed and reinstalled.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, removing vegetation; removing all fence fabric, appurtenances, posts, and gates; removal of concrete encasement from posts; storage of the removed fencing materials to prevent damage; reinstallation of the posts, gates, and fabric, including all appurtenances; and replacement of any fence parts that are not able to be salvaged and reinstalled. Replace items damaged from Contractor’s operations with new materials, at no additional cost to the Contracting Authority.
1. Measurement: Measurement will be in linear feet of fence removed, measured along the bottom of fence fabric, including length of gates.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price per linear foot of fence removed.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, off-site disposal of fence (including posts, concrete encasement of posts, gates, grounds, and barbed wire) and placing and compacting backfill material in post holes.
1. Measurement: Measurement will be in linear feet for each type and height of temporary fence, measured along the bottom of the fence fabric, excluding the length of gates.
2. Payment: Payment will be at the unit price per linear foot for each type and height of temporary fence.
3. Includes: Unit price includes, but is not limited to, furnishing, installing, and removing posts, fabric, ties, and fittings.
A. General: Provide fence fabric manufactured from wire meeting the requirements of ASTM A 817. Use No. 9 gauge wire woven in a 2 inch mesh. Construct knuckled selvedge at the top and bottom of the fabric.
B. Zinc-coated Fabric: Comply with ASTM A 392.
1. Wire Coated Prior to Weaving: Use Type II, Class 5 zinc coating per ASTM A 817.
2. Fabric Coated After Weaving: Use Class 2 coating per ASTM A 392.
C Aluminum-coated Fabric: Meet the requirements of ASTM A 491. Coat wire prior to weaving fabric per ASTM A 817, Type I coating.
D. PVC-coated Fabric: Comply with ASTM F 668, Class 2b.
1. Apply PVC coating to zinc or aluminum-coated wire prior to weaving fabric.
2. PVC coating color as specified in the contract documents, complying with ASTM F 934.
A. Standard weight (Schedule 40) pipe complying with ASTM F 1083.
1. Galvanize pipe inside and out.
2. Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, provide the following nominal sizes for the respective uses:
Post Use |
Fence Height |
48” and under (nominal diameter) |
48” to 96” (nominal diameter) |
Greater than 96” (nominal diameter) |
Line Post |
2” |
2 1/2" |
3” |
Terminal Post* |
2 1/2" |
3” |
4” |
Top/intermediate Rail Braces |
1 1/4" |
1 1/4" |
1 1/4" |
Gate Post |
Refer to contract documents and ASTM F 900 |
*Includes corner, angle, end, and pull posts. |
B. Pipe meeting the requirements of ASTM F 1043, Group 1A (Type A coating) or Group 1C (Type B coating). Use nominal sizes specified in ASTM F 1043.
C. When PVC-coated fence is specified in the contract documents, coat all posts, rails, and braces with a PVC-coated finish according to ASTM F 1043.
1. Zinc-coated post per ASTM F 1083 prior to application of PVC coating.
2. Color as specified in the contract documents, complying with ASTM F 934.
D. Ensure all posts, rails, and braces provided for a given section of fence have similar coatings and shapes.
E. Provide caps for all posts. Comply with ASTM F 626.
B. Provide attachments to connect braces to posts by fittings that will hold both post and brace rigidly.
C. Provide 3/8 inch diameter round steel diagonal tension rods with an appropriate commercial means for tightening. Provide a locknut or other device to hold the tightening device in place.
D. Provide a suitable sleeve or coupling device, recommended by the manufacturer, to connect sections of top rail and provide for expansion and contraction.
E. Use stretcher (tension) bars of the size specified in ASTM F 626 with suitable bands for attaching fabric to corner, end, or gate posts.
A. Tie Wire: Provide tie wires for chain link fence that are the size and type the manufacturer recommends, but no smaller than No. 9 diameter for post ties or No. 12 diameter for rail and brace ties. Comply with ASTM A 626.
B. Tension Wire: Comply with ASTM A 824, with Type I or Type II (Class 3) coating per ASTM A 817.
A. Comply with ASTM F 626 for type of arm configuration specified in the contract documents, as listed below:
1. Type I: Single slanted arm for three barbed wire strands.
2. Type II: Single vertical arm for three barbed wire strands.
3. Type III: V-shaped arm for six barbed wire strands.
4. Type IV: A-shaped arm for five barbed wire strands.
B. Anchor arms to line, end, corner, and pull posts
Comply with ASTM A 121, design number 12-4-5-14R, Type A or Type Z (Class 3) coating.
A. Provide the type, height, and width of gates as specified in the contract documents.
C. Provide coating on gate, gate posts, and fabric as required for adjacent fence.
Provide concrete materials complying with Section 6010.
A. Ground Rod: 5/8 inch diameter, 8 foot long copper-clad rod.
B. Ground Wire: No. 6 AWG bare copper wire.
A. General: Comply with ASTM F 567. Construct fence at the location and height specified in the contract documents.
1. Post Location:
a. Place posts in the line of the fence with equal spacing not to exceed 10 feet on center.
b. Set terminal (end, corner, and gate) posts at the beginning and end of each continuous length of fence and at abrupt changes in vertical and horizontal alignments. Place pull posts so that no more than 300 linear feet of fence is constructed with only line posts.
2. Post Setting:
a. Dig or drill post holes to the dimensions specified in the contract documents.
b. Set posts in concrete. Ensure all posts are set plumb in a vertical position.
c. Form top of concrete footing so it extends 1 inch above grade and is sloped to direct water away from the post. To prevent frost heave, ensure footing is a uniform size to full depth without flare at the top of grade.
d. Install posts no less than 24 hours prior to installation of fabric.
e. Set terminal, corner, angle, pull, and gate posts with the required brace-post assembly as specified in the contract documents.
1. Top Rail: Pass the top rail through the base of the line post caps to form a continuous brace from end to end of each stretch of fence. Join rail sections with sleeve or coupling device to allow for expansion and contraction. Securely fasten the top rail to the terminal posts with pressed steel connectors.
2. Intermediate Rail: Securely fasten the intermediate rail between all line posts and terminal posts with pressed steel fasteners. Intermediate rail is required only on fences 8 feet tall and taller.
1. Securely fasten braces to the post by means of malleable iron or pressed steel connections; then truss from the line post back to the end, gate, or corner post.
2. Tighten the diagonal tension rod (truss rod) to produce proper tension.
1. Install fabric on the outside of the posts from the area being fenced or on the roadway side of the posts.
2. Secure one end of the fabric by a stretcher bar inserted in the final link of the fabric. Pull fabric taut with bottom selvedge, 2 inches above grade, before making attachment elsewhere.
3. Tighten and secure each end of each run of chain link fabric by a stretcher bar inserted in the final link of the fabric. Secure stretcher bar to the end post by tension bands equally spaced no more than 15 inches apart.
4. Attach fence fabric securely to the braces, top rail, tension wire, and all intermediate posts with wire ties or bands at intervals of no more than 12 inches.
1. Install bottom tension wire on fence 5 feet high and taller.
2. Stretch bottom tension wire taut from terminal post to terminal post and securely fasten to each intermediate post within the bottom 6 inches of fabric.
G. Barbed Wire (When Specified):
1. Install 3 parallel wires on each barbed wire supporting arm on the outside of the area being secured, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
2. Pull wires taut, without kinks or twists, for tension.
H. Gates: Install gates as specified in the contract documents.
1. Install electrical grounds as specified in the contract documents at the following locations:
a) Where a primary electrical transmission line (not a secondary feeder line for individual service) passes over the fence. Also install the ground on the fence at a distance of 25 to 50 feet in each direction from the crossing.
b) Where the fence is adjacent to and within 50 feet of a primary electrical transmission line, install the ground at 500 foot maximum intervals.
c) In at least one location on each applicable straight section of fence.
2. Drive ground rod vertically until the top is 6 inches below the ground surface.
3. Clamp ground wire to the rod and to the fence in such a manner that each element of the fence is grounded.
Remove all fences, including posts and footings, within work areas unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. Remove fence to first line post beyond construction limits. Replace items damaged from Contractor’s operations with new materials, at no additional cost to the Contracting Authority.
A. Furnish and install chain link fence fabric, posts, ties, and other materials for the height specified in the contract documents.
B. Install according to permanent fence installation specifications, with the following exceptions:
1. Drive posts into the ground. Do not set posts in concrete except at corner or temporary gate posts.
2. Top rail, tension wire, and bracing will not be required.
C. Remove temporary fence and materials when no longer necessary. Place suitable backfill material in post holes. Fence materials will remain the property of the Contractor and removed from the site.