This IM covers stainless-steel bars for concrete reinforcement in cut lengths or coils.  Stainless steel shall comply with the requirements in standard specification 4151.


Stainless steel reinforcing bars shall be either Grade 60 or 75, as specified in the contract documents, and one of the following UNS designations (type):


  1. S24100 (XM-28)


  1. S31653 (316LN)


  1. S31803


  1. S32304 (2304)


Approved sources are listed in the Materials Approved Products Listing Enterprise (MAPLE).



Prior to furnishing stainless steel reinforcement on a certification basis, the manufacturer shall request approval by submitting the following documents:


  1. A request shall be submitted to the Office of Construction and Materials detailing the location of the manufacturing mill and distribution centers (if applicable).


  1. Quality control plan / procedures that the company has established to ensure material quality and identity (heat #) control through the manufacturing and quality control testing.


  1. A typical example of certification document that the producing mill will furnish for Iowa DOT projects.


  1. A picture showing the permanent mill imprint marking symbols (grade marks, bar designation #, size, etc.)


  1. Submit three (6 foot) sample bars for testing representing the range of small, medium, and large diameter bars rolled by the producing mill. 


Upon satisfactory review of the application and the submitted documents and satisfactory test results, the producing mill will be placed on the approved list (Appendix A)



Prior to furnishing stainless steel reinforcement on a certification basis, the supplier shall request approval by submitting the following documents:


  1. A request shall be submitted to the Office of Construction and Materials.


  1. The request shall contain the following items:


    1. Sources of the stainless-steel reinforcement that would be handled by the supplier or distributor.
    2. Quality control procedures that the supplier has established to ensure the material identity as to heat number, source, size, grade, and origin from the time the material is received from the mill through the fabrication process and shipment.
    3. Typical example of certification documents and certification statement.
    4. Copy of an identification list, invoice, or bill of lading.  The documents shall show the project number, design number, grade, size, length, heat number, weight, and ASTM designation.  Additionally, the bill of lading shall have the mill test report identifying the same materials that has the same heat number.


Upon satisfactory review of the application for compliance with the above state requirements, the supplier will be placed on the approve list (Appendix B).




·        The certification of compliance shall be signed by a designated or responsible company representative and shall be stated as follows:


The materials itemized in this shipment are from the sources approved by Iowa Department of Transportation and are certified to be in compliance with the applicable ASTM Standards and the Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, IMs and meet the Buy America requirements as described in IM 107 for all steel, iron products and coatings.




Authorized Signature & Date



Acceptance of stainless steel reinforcement shall be on the basis of certification from an approved steel mill, and/or suppliers, and verification test results when required.  Stainless steel reinforcement shall meet the specified contract requirements for the type and grade.


Approved mill, and suppliers are listed in Appendix A and B of this IM.


Verification samples shall be secured from the project site.


  1. Projects with less than 1 ton of stainless steel, acceptance is based on approved source and supplier.


  1. Project quantity between 1 and 25 tons of stainless steel, per project, one sample of the most common bar size.


  1. Project quantity over 25 tons of stainless steel, per project, one sample of the three most common bar sizes.


  1. Sample size shall be 6 foot long.