Erosion control products shall meet the requirements of applicable Iowa Department of Transportation Specifications.
To obtain approval, the manufacturer shall submit the following to the Office of Construction and Materials in Ames, Iowa:
1. Product identification including brand name and product number
2. A sample suitable for testing may be requested by the Office of Construction and Materials.
3. The NTPEP test data for products covered by NTPEP.
4. Company information with list of contact personnel and any available product literature.
Acceptance of erosion control products will be on the
basis of Approved brand name Source,
except wattles and filter socks which will be accepted based on the
manufacturer’s certification. Additionally,
compost will be accepted if the material is from a participant in the US
Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program or on the basis of
satisfactory test results.
Approved brand names Sources are
listed by product name and manufacturer in the Materials
Approved Products Listing Enterprise (MAPLE).
The Office of Construction and Materials may sample and test erosion control products to verify compliance with specifications.