Section 4109.  Aggregate Gradations


4109.01     DESCRIPTION.


A.    Coarse Aggregate

        Particles retained on the No. 4 or larger sieve.


B.    Fine Aggregate.

        Particles passing the No. 4 sieve.


4109.02     GRADATION.

Refer to the Aggregate Gradation Tables in the Appendix.




A.    Article 1106.04 applies. Stockpiles contaminated with organic or other foreign materials may be cause for rejection of the aggregate. The Engineer will determine acceptability by visual examination or other methods.


B.    The Engineer may reject the use of material from ledges or beds that individually do not pass the quality requirements for the intended aggregate product. Specific production methods may be required to permit the use of material from marginal ledges or beds.


4109.04    Stockpiling of Aggregate.

A.    For PCC aggregate, driving on stockpiles is not considered an acceptable production or handling practice and may be grounds for rejection of the stockpile.

B.    For all other aggregate stockpiles, if a ramp (incline or decline) is used to build the stockpile the ramp cannot be used as certified material. Incorporation of a ramp into a stockpile may be grounds for rejection of the stockpile.