2.70 RELEASE OF TEMPORARY EASEMENT (Right of Way Form 636-069)
Most acquisition contracts are written so that the termination of temporary easements occurs when the construction project is completed and action to release the easement is not required of the project engineer.
On selected Right of Way contracts (i.e. temporary easement only or borrow agreements), the release of temporary easement is not automatic. In these instances, the temporary easement is released in accordance with the following instructions:
After the temporary easement is acquired, the Office of Right of Way will prepare the "Release of Temporary Easement" (Form 636-069) and forward it to the project engineer. The form will be retained in the project engineer's office until the temporary easement is released.
When the temporary easement is no longer needed for highway construction, the easement should be "released." While it is important that easements be released as soon as possible after completion of the project in order to minimize the Department's responsibility of the property, the project engineer should consider needs of future projects. For example, a grading project may be completed, but a borrow pit may be needed on the subsequent paving project.
To release a temporary easement, the project engineer shall:
After the release of easement is recorded, the County Recorder will send the "Release of Temporary Easement" and "Order Claim" to the Office of Right of Way. The Office of Right of Way will retain the release and process payment to the County Recorder for the recording fees.
The Resident Construction Engineer should have a copy of the Federal Highway Administration’s “Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation’s Bridges” to assist in filling out the form.
The Office of Bridges and Structures initiates the report with additional information included by the Project Engineer following completion of construction. The processing of this report has undergone changes during the past year. A “Bridge Inventory Database” was developed in Microsoft Access 2000. This database is maintained by the Office of Transportation Data with design data input by the Office of Bridges and Structures and construction data input from the Project Engineer administering the project.
The “Bridge Inventory Report” database is located in the following server address:
U:\idot\access\prod\bridge2000.mdb | At password prompt enter: bridge |
The “Bridge Inventory Reports” are processed through this database as follows:
For situations where the Project Engineer is unable to locate a completed Section A in the “Bridge Inventory Database”, contact the Office of Bridges & Structures for assistance. You will need to provide the county, project number, and structure design number when requesting assistance.
At the time of letting, the project engineer will receive two sets of full-size plans for the construction project. One set is to be reserved for the "as-built" plan when using the manual method, while the second set is intended to be used during the construction project. If an electronic as-built is completed, the second set can be recycled or used during construction.
When revising information on the plan with "as-built" information, the voided information should be lined out manually or electronically.
The "as-built" plan shall include the actual quantities included in the project, as well as items added to the project by Contract Modification that change physical features of the project.
It is not necessary to change wording in the "as-built" plan from future tense to past tense.
The title page of all as-built plans should include the certification block ( Form 370-520003) with the name of the contractor, year of project completion, project engineer’s signature and certification.
The project engineer shall forward the manually completed as-built plans to Records Management in Ames with a copy of the transmittal letter to the District Office. Electronic as-built plans should be saved in ERMS according to ERMS guidelines. For manual plan submission, a cover letter is to accompany the plans describing the size and number of plans which are to be reproduced.
The following adhesive-backed standard formats are available from the Office of Construction:
As-Built Certification Block As-Built Change Order Log As-Built Estimated Project Quantities (100-0) As-Built Estimated Project Quantities (100-1) |
370-520003 370-520004 370-520007 370-520008 |
Types of Work
Changes in the following types of work should include the listed items in the "as-built" plan:
A. Grading, Paving, Subdrains, Fencing, Erosion Control
The "as-built" plan should include the following:
B. HMA Resurfacing
C. Structures
D. Lighting, Signing, and Traffic Signals
E. Bridge Deck Repairs and Pavement Patching
"As-Built" plans are not required for bridge deck repair and pavement patching projects, unless safety items such as; guardrail or barrier rail have been changed. The repair projects for replacing bridge beams do not require an "as-built" plan.
WetlandsThe Office of Location and Environment (Wetlands Section) will retain a consulting engineering firm to complete the “Wetland Mitigation As-Constructed Drawings” for wetland projects to comply with the 404 Permit requirements. Once completed, two full-size copies should be sent, with a cover letter to the Office of Location and Environment and to the Resident Construction Engineer. If a consulting firm is administering the project, copies will be sent to the District Office.
Right of Way
All right-of-way lines should be darkened and the station and offset included for all right-of-way
breakpoints. Location of right-of-way corners should be identified. If the plan and profile sheets
become too crowded when the right-of-way information is included, this information may be included
on a separate plan sheet.
Information regarding access should be included on the "as-built" plan, including the limits of access rights purchased and location of constructed and deleted entrances.
As a minimum, the parcel information should include the owner’s name and parcel number. Temporary easements do not need to be shown on the "as-built" plan.
Land Section Corner Ties
During "as-built" plan preparation, the final land section corner tie information shall be
reviewed with the District Land Surveyor. A plan sheet of the corrected land section corner ties shall
be included in the "as-built" plan. The District Land Surveyor will be responsible for forwarding
the final land section corner ties to the county engineer.
Tied Projects
Tied projects should include references on the "as-built" plan title sheet that list other
projects included in the contract. Project quantity item numbers should correspond to the
item numbers shown in the contract, by plan. "As-builts" for each plan should be completed
separately, as they will be filed individually in the Records Center.
As-Built Plans Checklists
See Appendix 2-37.5 for checklists to use in developing
As-Built plans.
The relocation of water stop boxes will be included as a contract item on the construction project. If the plans do not include relocation of water boxes, the item should be added to the contract by change order.
The basis of payment for relocation of water stop boxes shall include disconnecting, relocating, and reconnecting to the existing service line. The property owner shall be responsible for the cost of installing a new service line from the water stop box to the building.
The policy assigns the following responsibilities to the District Office: