1.20     PERSONNEL


Some of the personnel references that employees should read and follow include:

n  State of Iowa Employee Handbook

n  Iowa Department of Transportation Policies and Procedures Manual

PPM 010.09 ‑ Use of State Vehicles by Department Personnel

PPM 030.09 ‑ Internet and Intranet Services

PPM 200.03 ‑ Conflicts of Interest

PPM 200.04 ‑ Acceptance of Gifts and Honorariums

PPM 230.05 ‑ Personal Protective Equipment

PPM 230.08 ‑ Workplace Environment

n  FHWA 1273 – Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts




PPM 110.03 provides information on the use of function codes for classifying expenditures.  One use of function codes is to identify the labor costs associated with specific projects and type of projects. 


The 400 series of function codes, detailed in PPM 110.03, are used to identify the labor costs associated with the construction of a project.


For the purposes of field construction staff, these labor costs are separated into two categories, direct costs and indirect costs:

·         Direct costs are those that are charged to a specific project.  These costs are typically determined when a project control number and work ID (accounting ID) number are used on the timesheet.  In the case of function codes 450 and 490, these costs are identified as direct costs, whether or not a project control number and work ID is used. 


·         Indirect costs include supervision, training, time off, and other time not related to a specific project.  They are determined when a project control number and accounting ID are not used on the timesheet.


Before a contract is let, work such as preparing for project inspection, reviewing plans, etc. shall be charged to the function that applies to the main type of work on the project (i.e. grading-410; PCC-441, etc) A project control number shall be used, but an accounting ID will not be available.


After the letting, time should be charged to the 400 series function that applies to the main type of work on the project (i.e. grading-410; PCC-441, etc).  Survey functions should be charged to Function Code 402. The accounting ID must be used in addition to the project control number.  


After the final voucher has been sent to the District, any work done related to the project shall be charged only to the project control number and applicable function.  The accounting ID shall not be used. 


Function Code 490 shall not be used by residency staff because the time is charged as direct costs. Rather, non-project related administrative functions should be charged to 010 for managers/supervisors and 401 for other residency staff.


Guidance for other Function Codes:


010 - Administration (Indirect)

Time spent on non-project related administrative functions by supervisors and managers, such as personnel issues, shall be charged to Function Code 010


254 - Preliminary Survey (Direct)

Preliminary survey work requested by designers for future projects should be charged to Function Code 254 with the preliminary engineering project number. If the preliminary engineer project number is not available, use the construction project number.


301 – Right-of-Way (Work for Others)

All right-of-way activities performed by field staff should be charged to this function code, including survey work requested by the Office of Right-of-Way or property owners. Examples include staking R.O.W. or borrow limits, locating a R.O.W. line or property line at the request of a property owner and staking out R.O.W. lines for condemnation hearings. The right-of-way project control number shall be used with the function code. 

In instances where there is not a right-of-way project control number, use only the function code. Do not use a construction project number with Function Code 301.


401 – General Construction (Indirect)

This function code should be used for items that cannot be charged to a specific construction function code and a specific project number. Time, personal expenses and vehicle costs will be pro-rated to all active construction projects assigned to the Cost Center. Function Code 401 must always be used without a project number. 


402- Construction Survey (Direct) 

This function includes all construction staking required for construction projects, including initial and final cross-sections, transferring of bench mark elevations and establishment of reference points for centerline points and land corners. A construction project control number shall be used with this function code.


405 – Project Administration (Direct)

This function code is intended for project related duties but cannot be charged to a specific function code. Time associated with this function code include the following duties: preconstruction conferences, EEO/Wage Rate interviews, checking contractors’ certified payrolls, etc. A construction project control number shall be used with this function code.


450 - Corrected Plans (Direct)

Time spent working on “as-built” plans shall be charged to Function Code 450.  The project control number shall always be used without an accounting ID number.


490 - General Overhead – (Direct)

The use of this function code is not recommended for general overhead or administrative functions because the inspection costs program assigns these costs as direct costs.

Rather, function codes 010 or 401 should be used.