Standard Specifications with GS-23004 Revisions

Division 23. Surface Courses
Section 2301 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
Section 2302 Portland Cement Concrete Widening
Section 2303 Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures
Section 2304 Detour Pavement
Section 2305 Safety Edge
Section 2306 Bituminous Fog Seal (Pavement)
Section 2307 Bituminous Seal Coat
Section 2308 Bituminous Fog Seal (Shoulders)
Section 2309 Surface Recycling by Heater Scarification
Section 2310 Portland Cement Concrete Overlay
Section 2312 Granular Surfacing
Section 2314 Surface Application of Calcium Chloride
Section 2315 Driveway Surfacing
Section 2317 Pavement Smoothness
Section 2318 Cold In-Place Recycled Asphalt Pavement
Section 2319 Slurry Leveling, Surry Wedge (Edge Rut Treatment), and Strip Slurry Treatment
Section 2320 Polymer-Modified Microsurfacing

*Changes made since the previous General Supplemental Specification are indicated by shading.  Previous changes have been incorporated and are no longer called out by shading or strikeout.