This IM covers the requirements for becoming approved to supply epoxy powder to coaters for use on Iowa DOT projects. Approved manufacturers of epoxy powder and the associated patching repair compounds are found in the Materials Approved Products Listing Enterprise (MAPLE).
Prior to furnishing epoxy powder to coaters for Iowa DOT projects, the powder manufacturer shall submit the following:
1. A written application by the company to become an approved powder manufacturer shall be submitted to the Office of Construction and Materials in Ames, Iowa.
2. Product information, specifications, and recommended application procedures, including minimum gel and cure time
3. Prequalification shall be in accordance with ASTM A775/A775M.
Upon satisfactory review of this application the company will be placed on the approved list.
Patching Materials shall be compatible with the epoxy coating inert in concrete and feasible for field application.
Use two part liquid epoxy coating from any epoxy powder manufacturer approved by Iowa DOT to repair scraps, scars, damage and imperfections if the manufacturer is unknown.
Manufacturer shall specify the method of metal surface preparation and patching (repair) application procedures.
Patching (repair) materials shall be applied according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
The certification of compliance shall be signed by a designated or responsible company representative:
The materials are certified to be in compliance with the applicable ASTM Standards and the Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, and IMs. |
Authorized Signature & Date |
The following certification will be accepted if the powder producers provide the following information instead of the above certification:
The materials are certified to be in compliance with the ASTM Standards A 775 and the Iowa Department of Transportation approved product code |
Authorized Signature & Date |