Division 4 Table of Contents
Section 4010 - Sanitary Sewers
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling and Conflicts
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Sanitary Sewer (Gravity Mains)
2.02 Sanitary Sewer Force Mains
2.03 Casing Pipe
2.04 Sanitary Sewer Services
2.05 Sanitary Sewer Service Relocations
2.06 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Examination
3.02 Gravity Sewer Installation
3.03 Sanitary Sewer Installed within a Casing Pipe
3.04 Gravity Main Pipe Jointing
3.05 Force Main Installation
3.06 Sanitary Sewer Service Stubs
3.07 Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation
3.08 Sanitary Sewer Abandonment
3.09 Connection to Existing Manhole
3.10 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout
3.11 Tolerances
3.12 Conflicts
3.13 Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing
4010.201 Sanitary Sewer Service Stub
4010.202 Sewage Air Release Valve Pit
4010.203 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout
4010.901 Relocate Sanitary Sewer Service in Conflict with New Sewer
Section 4020 - Storm Sewers
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling and Conflicts
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Storm Sewers
2.02 Linear Trench Drain
2.03 Casing Pipe
2.04 Pipe Aprons
2.05 Apron Footings
2.06 Apron Guard
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Examination
3.02 Pipe Installation
3.03 Storm Sewer Installed within a Casing Pipe
3.04 Linear Trench Drain
3.05 Pipe Jointing
3.06 Aprons
3.07 Tolerances
3.08 Conflicts
3.09 Storm Sewer Abandonment
3.10 Connection to Existing Manhole or Intake
3.11 Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing
4020.211 Storm Sewer Pipe Connections
Section 4030 - Pipe Culverts
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling and Conflicts
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Pipe Culverts
2.02 Pipe Aprons
2.03 Apron Footings
2.04 Apron Guard
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Pipe Culvert Installation
3.02 Aprons
3.03 Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing
4030.221 RCP Apron Section Footing
4030.222 Circular Concrete Aprons
4030.223 Arch and Elliptical Concrete Pipe Aprons
4030.224 Concrete Pipe Apron Guard
4030.225 Metal Pipe Aprons and Apron Guards
Section 4040 - Subdrains and Footing Drain Collectors
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling and Conflicts
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Footing Drain Collectors
2.02 Type 1 Subdrains (Longitudinal Subdrain)
2.03 Type 2 Subdrains (Combination Subdrain/Footing Drain Collector)
2.04 Porous Backfill Material
2.05 Subdrain Outlets
2.06 Subdrain or Footing Drain Cleanouts
2.07 Engineering Fabric
2.08 Storm Sewer Service Stubs
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Subdrains
3.02 Footing Drain Collectors
3.03 Footing Drain Service Stubs
4040.231 Subdrains
4040.232 Subdrain Cleanouts
4040.233 Subdrain Outlets
Section 4050 - Pipe Cleaning and Rehabilitation
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling and Conflicts
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 CIPP Main Lining
2.02 CIPP Point Repair
2.03 CIPP Service Repair
2.04 Chemical Grout
2.05 Sewer Dye
2.06 Pipe Repair Couplings for Spot Repairs by Pipe Replacement
2.07 Sewer Main Pipe (for Spot Repairs)
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Sewer Cleaning and Inspection
3.02 Bypassing Sewage
3.03 CIPP Main Lining
3.04 CIPP Point Repair
3.05 CIPP Service Repair
3.06 Pressure Testing and Grouting of Sewer Joints
3.07 Spot Repairs by Pipe Replacement
3.08 Cleanup and Closeout
Section 4060 - Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing of Sewers
Part 1 - General
1.01 Section Includes
1.02 Description of Work
1.03 Submittals
1.04 Substitutions
1.05 Delivery, Storage, and Handling
1.06 Scheduling
1.07 Special Requirements
1.08 Measurement and Payment
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Testing Equipment
Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Cleaning
3.02 Video Inspection
3.03 Sanitary Sewer Leakage Testing
3.04 Deflection Testing
3.05 Force Main Testing