Interstate Study

Study area map

The map below highlights the Interstate 80 study corridor. The map is interactive; you can pan to a certain location and zoom in to identify the corridor study area throughout Iowa. A project study area is the area within which field data is collected to identify all known environmental resources and potential constraints. The study area is established early in the development process and must be established large enough to encompass all potential conceptual project alternatives. For more information regarding the study area, please refer to the Location and Environment Bureau’s policy 02B021.

As shown on the map, the I-80 study area is broken into three separate sections.

  1. Council Bluffs to Des Moines
  2. Des Moines to Iowa City
  3. Iowa City to Walcott

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The urban areas of Des Moines and Davenport will be conducted as separate studies. These locations will require a more detailed analysis of the existing and forecasted traffic volumes, built environment/infrastructure, and environmental resources.

Sections of I-80 that have recently or are currently being improved include the urban areas of Council Bluffs and Iowa City. The following provides information on the improvements to I-80 at these locations.


Currently, I-80 is under construction in western Iowa to meet the travel needs in the Omaha and Council Bluffs area. Iowa DOT is undertaking a major project to reconstruct I-80, I-29, and I-480 in the Council Bluffs metro area. The Council Bluffs Interstate Improvement Program construction started in 2008 and is ongoing. Because of the magnitude of the overall program and limited availability of funding, construction will occur in multiple stages. Numerous projects will be constructed to fully implement the complete vision of the improvement program over the next seven to 10 years. Individual projects are being strategically grouped and completed to maximize improvements to the system while simultaneously minimizing the impacts of construction to Council Bluffs residents and the traveling public. Get more information about the Interstate 80 construction in Council Bluffs.


The last construction projects to I-80 in Iowa City were completed in 2014. Mainline improvements included widening I-80 from four- to six-lanes from the I-80/I-380/U.S. 218/Iowa 27 interchange to east of Iowa 1. Improvements to the I-80/I-380/U.S. 218/Iowa 27 interchange are currently included in the 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program. Improvements include replacement of the four existing loop ramps with directional ramps. Proposed improvements include widening I-80 to eight lanes from Ireland Avenue to Coral Ridge Avenue /Iowa 965. The I-80 mainline widening would provide four 12-foot-wide lanes of travel in each direction, 12-foot wide inside and outside shoulders, and a closed median with barrier.

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