Payment for stockpiled material is intended to reimburse contractors for certain material costs when that material cannot be incorporated in the project for more than 30 calendar days. Payment will not be considered for contracts with an award amount less than $10,000. When reimbursement is allowed, payment will be based on:
Material allowances could be extended to "raw" structural steel provided:
Pre-conditions for Material Allowances
The preconstruction conference is a good place to identify items for, or begin the discussion of, potential stockpiled material. Potential items can be identified, but no action needs to be taken until the material is available at the project or at other agreed locations.
Stockpile Documentation Work Sheet
Payment for material allowances must be documented and monitored. It will be necessary to maintain
a project level work sheet covering:
The work sheet must show a running total for materials delivered and those used in construction of the project, including the total quantity and value of the remaining stockpiled materials. As materials are placed into "the stockpile," payment may be made by properly including the new amount to Item 8999 on the progress voucher.
Voucher Entries
An 8999 item number will be preprinted on the Contract Construction Progress Voucher for
Stockpiled Material. (If an 8999 item number is not provided, one can be added by writing
a Change Order to the contract for Stockpiled Material.) Field entries (dollars) in this item
number authorize contractor payment for stockpiled materials. Payment will be based on the
actual cost as shown by an invoice.
Value of the 8999 item will be decreased as stockpiled material is incorporated in the project and included as an appropriate contract pay item. The value of 8999 may fluctuate up or down during the project because of:
The final entry made concerning stockpiled material must:
Instructions for processing material allowances in the FieldBook/FieldManager systems are detailed in their respective user’s guide.
Contract items listed as "furnish" do not require payment as stockpiled
material. (Example: HP xxxxx Steel Piling, Furnish) Such items will be paid through
normal pay entries to contract items on the progress voucher. Prior to payment, material
must be stored satisfactorily, documented appropriately, and inspected/sampled by the
District Materials office.
The term "material allowance" is used to designate material which will later be incorporated in the project and ultimately paid at contract unit prices. The term "unincorporated material" is used for material ordered for use on the project, but not used. Payment for material ordered, but not used and taken over by the contracting authority must be paid by change order. (Refer to Construction Manual 2.36 for procedure used to process a change order.)
When Class 12 excavation is unexpectedly encountered and there is no contract item for Class 12, the quantity of Class 12 will be paid for as Extra Work. (Refer to Construction Manual 2.36 for procedure used to process a Change Order.)
- CASE I (Contract has an item for Class 10.)
Specification 2102.14A establishes a price of ten times the Class 10 contract unit price for unexpected Class 12 excavation.- CASE II (Contract does not have an item for Class 10.)
In this case a change order price will have to be negotiated.NOTE: When the contract contains items for special categories of Class 12, such as Class 12 (channel) or Class 12 (boulders), these items are not considered as representing normal Class 12 roadway and borrow excavation work.
Every effort should be made to prevent substandard work and/or noncomplying material from being incorporated into the project. However, when work and/or materials are deemed to be noncomplying, Specifications 1105 and 1101 give authority to the project engineer for determining if construction work or materials are acceptable and/or within reasonably close conformity to the plans and specifications. Therefore, the project engineer must decide whether deficient work is to be removed and replaced or left in place with a price adjustment. Unusual situations or circumstances may warrant consultation with the Office of Construction and the Office of Materials.NOTE: A price adjustment is no substitute for specification compliance and "unacceptable work" shall always be removed and replaced with acceptable work. Further, contractors need to be given an option of removing deficient work and replacing with acceptable work in lieu of a price adjustment.
Price adjustments of $100 or less need not be formalized in a change order.
Guide Schedules for Price Adjustments
A. GradationUnless otherwise specified, variations in the gradation of aggregates shall be price adjusted as prescribed by "Price Adjustment for Aggregate Gradation Test Deviation
When aggregates are mixed with asphaltic materials, price adjustments shall apply to the mix only.
B. PCC Slump, Air Content, and Rain Damage
2. Rain Damaged Portland Cement Concrete
When rain damage occurs, removal and replacement may be required by the project
engineer in accordance with Specification
2301.19. However, damage must be determined to be severe enough to warrant such
action. Contact the District Construction Engineer and the Office of Construction for
assistance, if needed.
If work is allowed to remain, Specification 1109.03 C requires the project engineer to determine "... a modification of the contract unit price. The following CASES shall be used for determining rain damage price adjustments. NOTE: Price adjustments are applied to an entire area encompassing the damage. (This means full width placed when damage occurred, beginning at the first transverse joint before any damage and ending at the first transverse joint after damage.)
CASE II (Payment is 90% of contract unit price.)
is totally absent from the surface and cement mortar has
been eroded to an extent that coarser particles of the fine aggregate
fraction are generally exposed. Some slight troughs or depressions are
apparent, exposing coarse aggregate particles, but this damage is confined
to a limited area or randomly spread intermittently throughout damaged
area. Some edge repairs may be required to restore eroded edges. Surface
mortar that was removed by rain water, but later replaced or supplemented
with plastic concrete is included in Case II since a cold joint or sand
lens with minimal Portland cement paste contact may have been inadvertently
incorporated into the slab.
CASE III (Payment is 85% of contract unit price.)
Surface mortar has been practically all removed to an extent that coarse
particles of the coarse aggregate fraction are visible. Considerable erosion
of edges has occurred, but not to an extent that pavement width is affected.
Intermittent edge repair may be required as well as some surface patching of
slight troughs or depressions that may have formed in pavement surface due to
flowing water. Pavement that has been rain damaged with no attempt of covering
or protection by the contractor is also included in Case III.
Severe rain damage may require "localized area" repair by bridge deck overlay procedures. Full depth removal and replacement may be required if edge damage is severe. Severe cases of rain damage should be referred to the Office of Construction for review prior to determination of repair or replacement.
In addition to above described price adjustments and repairs, slab surfaces with missing, omitted, or damaged texturing shall have texture re-established by grinding prior to acceptance by project engineer.
C. "L" Joint Tie Steel Deficiencies
Tolerance problems with "L" joint tie steel shall be corrected according to
procedures established in Construction Manual 9.26.
(Note: "BT" and "KT" deficiencies usually require field correction.)
An adjustment in the contract unit price shall be made for out of tolerance "L" joint tie steel areas. This price adjustment should be a reduction of 5% to the contract unit price per m2 (sq. yd.) for affected areas. It should be applied to a computed effective area bounded by one half the distance to closest adjacent "in tolerance" (in each direction) multiplied by the placement width. This price adjustment is intended not to apply to individual out of tolerance tie steel.
D. Bridge Floor Overlay price adjustments are prescribed in Appendix 2-34(D).
E. Macro texture adjustments will be determined by the project engineer on a case-by-case basis depending on severity and amount of surface area involved.
For texture depth measurement criteria, refer to Construction Manual 9.43. Texture depths less than 1.5 mm (1/16 inch) shall be corrected by sawing in grooving or diamond grinding. Texture depth exceeding 4.5 mm (3/16 inch) may require price adjustment as directed by project engineer. Price adjustments for over depth grooving are found in Appendix 2-34(E).
F. Traffic Control
1. Price adjustments may be applied for failure to comply with traffic control requirements in the contract documents. Contract price adjustments will be determined by the project engineer, based on magnitude and frequency of violations. A suggested sliding scale is $250 for the first violation, $500 for the second violation, $1000 for the third, etc. progressively doubling the amount of each following violation. See flowchart in Appendix 2-15 for further guidance.
Price adjustment violations will be counted from first violation through last violation for an entire contract. It is a prime contractor's responsibility to ensure a safe work zone for all construction activities regardless of work in progress or who is doing that work. Therefore, violations will accumulate against the "contract" and not be separated or individualized by subcontractor.
Examples of situations where a price adjustment would be appropriate include:
It is not intended that minor deficiencies be price adjusted if corrected in a timely manner. In addition to price adjustments, project engineers may suspend work for irresponsible and/or repeated failure to conduct construction activities using proper traffic control procedures.
2. Failure to maintain traffic control devices and signs on a daily basis continues to be a concern of the Department. Price adjustments are appropriate for failure to adequately maintain these devices and signs. To determine an appropriate daily price adjustment for lack of maintenance, the total bid price for the traffic control item should be divided by the number of working days allowed on the contract. This calculated amount should then be divided in two to determine an appropriate daily maintenance value. This daily maintenance value would be the appropriate price adjustment for failure to maintain traffic control devices and signs.
The daily maintenance price adjustment calculated below is in addition to other traffic control price adjustments.
An example calculation to determine this daily maintenance value follows:
3. Occasionally contractors fail to provide the required traffic control technician or have the daily traffic control diary completed during the construction of the project.
4. When a flagger is incorrectly flagging according to the Flagger’s Handbook, as referenced in Standard Specification 2528.10, the project should have the Flagger bid item price adjusted. This price adjustment should be one half of the daily unit bid price for the Flagger item.
Examples of situations where a flagger price adjustment would be appropriate include:
When an untrained flagger is used in violation of the specifications, the flagger shall not be measured and paid. The flagger shall continue to flag for the remainder of the day and a trained flagger shall be substituted the next day. Unattended flagger stations are a severe violation of the specifications and should be price adjusted per Item 1 price adjustments.
These price adjustments are also in addition to other traffic control price adjustments.
G. Asphalt
When noncomplying tests occur, determine the quantity affected. Average all noncomplying quality control tests and use that average in conjunction with Appendix 2-34(G) to determine if, or how much, price adjustment is warranted.
2. Asphalt Binder - Viscosity
Total samples taken during the day Number of failing samples for the day Total asphalt binder used that day Quantity affected = (2 ÷ 5) x 200 |
= = = = |
5 2 200 Mg (tons) 80 Mg (tons) |
Noncomplying test results for the day shall be averaged to determine the amount of deviation from specification requirements. This average will be used to apply the appropriate percent of payment for the quantity affected. Use Price Adjustment schedule in Appendix 2-34(H) to obtain the applicable payment adjustment.
The materials, both liquid asphalt and asphalt binder, are used on the basis of certification. The follow-up acceptance testing is performed to verify the compliance so work will not be delayed pending the test results. However, if the material has not been incorporated and acceptance tests indicate noncompliance, the material will be rejected.
Unless indicated otherwise in the contract documents, the contractor must use performance graded (PG) asphalt binders. If a PG asphalt binder is used but the properties do not comply with specifications, consult with the Office of Materials, the Office of Construction, and the District Materials Engineer for appropriate resolution. A price adjustment may or may not be appropriate depending upon the circumstances involving each situation.
3. Asphalt Binder Content
The specifications for hot mix asphalt construction require the contractor to maintain the asphalt binder content within plus or minus 0.3 percentage points of the percent intended. The percent intended is given on the job-mix formula sheet issued by the Office of Materials in Ames.
If the tank stick results indicate that a noncomplying asphalt binder content has been obtained and a price adjustment is necessary,
Excessive asphalt binder content can result in low lab voids which can, in turn, result in a high potential for pavement failure due to flushing and rutting. When the deviation from intended asphalt binder content is greater than 0.3% and the lab voids for the lot are extremely low, the District Materials Engineer should be consulted regarding the rutting potential of the pavement. In cases where severe rutting or flushing develops or is likely to develop, removal and replacement of the noncomplying HMA pavement should be considered in lieu of price adjustment.
The procedures listed in Materials I.M. 508 and I.M. 509 should be followed closely in making tank-stick measurement calculations.
The contractors are cautioned to observe the following procedures in order to help insure accuracy of the determinations:
To eliminate misunderstandings and uncertainties, it is strongly urged that an authorized representative of the contractor observe all sampling and tank-stick measurements and check all calculations. A contractor's representative should also be requested to initial or sign the field book or record sheet containing the measurements and results as they are made.
4. Segregation in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement
Case I (Payment is 80% of contract unit price.)
When uniform surface texture and mixture composition is evident (by visual observation)
except for occasional and random areas of segregation, the mix shall be subject to price
adjustment if the area determined segregated equals or exceeds 3 square meters per metric
station (1 sq. yard per station) per paver width (length determined by longitudinal distance
both directions from segregated area).
Case II (Payment is 50% of contract unit price.)
When a nonuniform surface texture and mixture composition is evident (by visual
observation) and there is a regular interval of numerous areas of segregation
connected or nearly connected with longitudinal traces of segregation, the mix
shall be subject to price adjustment if the total area segregated equals or exceeds
9 square meters per metric station (3 sq. yards per station) per paver lane width
(length determined by longitudinal distance both directions from the extreme ends of
areas of segregation).
Case III Longitudinal Streaks (Payment is 80% of contract unit price.)
When a nonuniform surface texture and mixture composition is evident (by visual observation)
and in the form of longitudinal streaks of 75 mm (3 inches) or more in width, the mix shall
be subject to price adjustment if the segregation occurs at a rate that exceeds 3 square
meters per metric station (1 sq. yard per station). The rate is determined by multiplying
approximate width by length of the streaks to determine area and dividing by the length of
the streaks (in stations). Longitudinal streaks most commonly occur with the windrow-pickup
process, particularly when resurfacing super elevated curves. Streaks are typically seen in
the wheelpath areas and occasionally in the center of the lane. Streak widths typically vary
from 75 to 300 mm (3 to 12 inches) and may be continuous or intermittent. This type of segregation
results in longitudinal cracking.
More severe surface and mixture segregation may require corrective procedures as:
Note: Determination of segregation in HMA pavement is by visual observation in accordance with current specifications. The engineer may consider further verification through coring and extraction. Segregation case examples, with corresponding price adjustment calculations, are illustrated in Appendices 2-34(K.1) and 2-34(K.2).
b. Fillets & Runouts
c. Base & Intermediate Courses
d. Procedure for Determination of Price Adjusted Quantities
Whenever segregation
is observed, the contractor shall be advised immediately and the
inspector must document the deficiency with a Noncompliance Notice. The notice should
reference the applicable specification and indicate the project engineer will review the
work to determine the acceptability of the work. It is recommended that a Noncompliance
Notice be issued when segregation is initially observed with final evaluation and price
adjustment determined later but prior to project acceptance.
Timeliness is important for two reasons. First, the contractor must take corrective action immediately. Failure to do so should result in suspension of work. Secondly, early identification of unacceptable work allows for resolution of any disputes before there is an "implied" acceptance. Construction Manual 1.12 discusses the enhancement of working relationships by timely notification of unacceptable work.
For streak type segregation, it will be necessary to identify and tabulate the location and length of the segregated streak areas subject to price adjustment and base the price adjustment on the mix quantity within the beginning and ending station limits of the streaks.
Normally this procedure should be repeated for each day from header to header on the day following placement. Each day's run can be tabulated showing a summary of affected Megagrams (tons) of HMA mixture subject to price adjustment.
5. Filler/Bitumen Ratio
For recycled mixes, the percentage of asphalt binder is to be determined by addition of percent by tank-stick plus percent in salvaged material as set by job mix (% intended less additional).
The determination for compliance with the specification shall be made for periods not exceeding one day in length. The average of all tests for the lot shall be used to determine the filler/bitumen ratio.
When the filler/bitumen ratio for an HMA mixture exceeds the maximum established by specification for that material, the affected material will be considered noncomplying and subject to price adjustment.
The adjustment schedules in Appendix 2-34(J) are to be used as a guide for price adjustment of the quantity of material affected. The adjustment is applied to the HMA mixture only.
The above schedules are to be applied in lieu of the 75 µm (#200) sieve adjustment for excess or lack of fines listed under Gradation.
6. Field Density
H. Adjustments for Other Contract Administration Issues
NOTE: It is NOT intended that minor deficiencies be price adjusted if corrected in a timely manner. Situations and circumstances will dictate how this portion should be applied.
I. Steel H-Pile Weight Deficiency
In the above cases, the project engineer may decide to approve the use of deficient steel H-pile and apply a price adjustment in contract unit price for the material as prescribed by “Steel H-Pile Weight Deficiency Price Adjustments” in Appendix 2-34(L).
Iowa Code also requires payment of interest on retained contract funds. For all State projects (NHS, Non-NHS, and Maintenance) interest shall begin to accrue on retained funds when the first progress payment is issued. The Office of Finance assigns a pre-established interest rate at this time and that rate applies for the contract's duration. Interest on retained funds will cease to accrue:
For county or city projects, refer to Local Systems I.M. 3.930, Interest Payment Procedures, for the applicable interest payment requirements.
NOTE: It is a contractor's responsibility to provide all necessary contract documentation. However, the project engineer is responsible for timely notification of missing or unacceptable documentation. Both parties are jointly responsible to conclude contracts in a timely manner.
"If a claim is filed," Iowa Code mandates that the Iowa DOT shall withhold an amount of 2 times any claim. Following resolution of a "573 claim" or 60 days after the final (if no lawsuit has been filed), the Office of Finance issues payments as required.
Recommended Guidelines
At the preconstruction conference, contractors should be advised that all required
forms, documents, and certifications must be properly prepared and forwarded to the
project engineer before a final progress voucher can be processed. Forms required
for contractor submittal are explained in Construction Manual 2.20 and the
contractor is expected to read and be knowledgeable of these requirements.
It is important that required forms, documents, and certifications are dated when received from the contractor. Every effort should be made to have all documentation and Change Order issues resolved on, or soon after, accepting the project.
Soon after processing a Form 830435, the contractor should be provided a written list of missing, incomplete, or unacceptable documentation. If issues remain unresolved, this list should be updated and retransmitted on or about days 30, 60, and 90. Unresolved documentation at the end of day 90 shall be placed and tracked on the Interest Payment Information sheet (Form 830235).
Interest Payment Information
(Form 830235)
The project engineer shall submit Interest Payment Information (Form 830235) with the
Final Progress Voucher. Copy of form is provided in Appendix 2-32. One Interest
Payment Information form is required for each "contract."
Completing the form is self-explanatory, however note:
Distribution: Original is to be included in the final progress voucher packet. (Project engineers should check with their District Office to determine if an additional copy is needed for that District.) During processing, the Office of Finance will compute interest due and make payment.
Form 830235 is available through Office Supplies.
The Current Price Index (CPI) will be printed in the Office of Contract's Weekly Letting Report. The Letting Reports list CPI's for several past months. The Base Price Index (BPI) for fuel adjustment calculations will be the CPI listed for the month prior to the letting date of the contract.
Fuel Adjustment Calculation
The fuel adjustment calculation is dependent on the contract's letting date.
Standardized Fuel Adjustment work sheets (Form 105) and are available in
electronic format under the “Inspection Tools” tab on
the Office of Construction’s “Contract Administration” wepage:
on the Field Inspection Worksheet webpage.
English Units - http://www.dot.state.ia.us/construction/english_inspection_worksheets.htm
Metric Units -
Form 105 is usable as either a preprinted form for manual usage or as EXCEL applications. Only raw data inputs are required for those who choose to utilize the EXCEL spreadsheets. Once raw data is entered, the computer calculates adjusted fuel payment from formulas and the user can print a completed monthly adjustment report. Refer to Appendix 2-35 for a completed adjustment worksheet using English units.
Payment for fuel adjustments is to be calculated at the end of each month for all qualifying work accomplished that month.
For contracts let prior to October 18, 2005, the project engineer will determine quantities of material (either excavated or placed) during the month and calculate applicable fuel adjustment(s).
For contracts let on or after October 18, 2005, the contractor shall provide to the Engineer, on a monthly basis, a spreadsheet with quantities and the calculated amount of fuel adjustment.
for Fuel Adjustment Calculation Spreadsheet (Form 105Oct05)
(Following instruction also available at
Fuel Adjustment Payment
Payment shall be by a Change Order using the item numbers of 6200-500171 (metric)
and 6200-5000171 (English). With the contractor's approval, one Change Order may be
executed at the end of the project or at intervals agreeable to both the project
engineer and the contractor. Regardless of payment intervals, calculations on Form
105 shall be made at the end of each month with a copy forwarded to the contractor
for their files.