Standard Specifications with GS-23004 Revisions

Division 25. Miscellaneous Construction
Section 2501 Piles and Pile Driving
Section 2502 Subdrains
Section 2503 Storm Sewers
Section 2504 Sanitary Sewers
Section 2505 Guardrail Construction and Removal
Section 2506 Flowable Mortar and Foamed Cellular Concrete
Section 2507 Concrete and Stone Revetment
Section 2508 Removal of Paint and Painting Steel Bridge Structures
Section 2509 Cleaning, Surface Preparation, and Painting of Galvanized Surfaces
Section 2510 Removal of Pavement
Section 2511 Removal and Construction of Sidewalks and Recreational Trails
Section 2512 Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter
Section 2513 Concrete Barrier
Section 2514 Curb Removal
Section 2515 Removal and Construction of Paved Driveways
Section 2516 Combined Concrete Sidewalk and Retaining Wall
Section 2517 Railroad Approach Sections
Section 2519 Fence Construction
Section 2520 Field Laboratory and Field Office
Section 2521 Certified Plant Inspection
Section 2522 Tower Lighting
Section 2523 Highway Lighting
Section 2524 Highway Signing
Section 2525 Traffic Signalization
Section 2526 Construction Survey
Section 2527 Pavement Marking
Section 2528 Traffic Control
Section 2529 Full Depth Finish Patches
Section 2530 Partial Depth Finish Patches
Section 2531 Pavement Surface Repair (Milling)
Section 2532 Pavement Surface Repair (Diamond Grinding)
Section 2533 Mobilization
Section 2534 Delivery of Samples
Section 2535 Bin Type Crib Walls
Section 2536 Asbestos Removal
Section 2537 Underground Tank System Removal and Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation
Section 2538 Salvage, Removal, and Disposal of Obstructions
Section 2539 Concrete Pavement Undersealing by Pressure Grouting
Section 2540 Longitudinal Joint Repair
Section 2541 Crack and Joint Cleaning and Sealing (HMA Surfaces)
Section 2542 Crack and Joint Cleaning and Filling (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement)
Section 2543 Transverse Joint Repair for HMA Pavements
Section 2544 Cleaning and Filling Cracks for HMA Surfaces
Section 2545 Overlay of Type "B" Guide Signs
Section 2546 Gabions and Revet Mattresses
Section 2547 Temporary Stream Access
Section 2548 Milled Rumble Strips - HMA or PCC Surface
Section 2549 Pipe, Culvert, and Manhole Cleaning and Rehabilitation
Section 2550 Night Work Lighting
Section 2551 Crash Cushions
Section 2552 Trench Excavation and Backfill
Section 2553 Trenchless Construction
Section 2554 Water Mains, Valves, Fire Hydrants, and Appurtenances
Section 2555 Deliver and Stockpile Salvaged Materials
Section 2556 Dowel Bar Retrofit 
Section 2557 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Grooving 
Section 2558 Cross Stitching of Concrete Pavement 

*Changes made since the previous General Supplemental Specification are indicated by shading.  Previous changes have been incorporated and are no longer called out by shading or strikeout.