Program and Project Management System

Attention iconWe are preparing for some pretty large changes to Masterworks in November. Here is what you need to know:

  • Both PSS and Masterworks will be offline starting Thursday, November 9 at about 3 pm. Masterworks is planned to be back online about Thursday, November 16. Please plan your work accordingly. (note that November 10 is a DOT holiday)
  • PSS will not be restarted after November 9.
  • We will be implementing the remaining PSS functions in Masterworks - primarily environmental reviews, ROW purchase and utility tracking.
  • The user interface will be different when Masterworks turns on again, so plan a little extra time to learn the new icons. Below are some screenshots of the two interfaces. Notice that the primary menu options move from the bottom right on the current page to a vertical bar on the new interface.

If you have questions, please route them through your supervisor first because most offices have additional internal procedures to follow.

Interface 1

Masterworks interface 1

Interface 2

Masterworks interface 2


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