RJ (English)
Flexible Pavement
HMA Railroad Crossing Approach Section
RJ-2-26C Void
Type "A" and "B" Granular Surfaced Shoulder (Adjacent to HMA Pavement)
RJ-31-32 Void
Paved Shoulder 8" Hot Mix Asphalt (Adjacent to HMA Pavement)
Partially Paved Shoulders (6" HMA)
RA Storm and Sanitary Sewer Structures
RB Miscellaneous Construction
RC Roadside Development and
Erosion Control
RD Signs
RE Traffic Barriers
RF Drainage
RG Pavement Widening and
RH Rigid Pavement
RJ Flexible Pavement
RK Bridge Approach Pavement
RL Earthwork
RM Signals and Lighting
RP Roadway Superelevation
RR Pavement Rehabilitation
RV Ramp and Median Crossover Geometrics
SI Signs
SW Sanitary and Storm Sewer
TC Traffic Control
WM Water Main