RE (English)

Traffic Barriers

RE-1-2          Void
RE-2A           Formed Steel W-Beam Railing Terminal Sections
RE-2B           Formed Steel Beam Railing Transition and Terminal Sections (Thrie Beam)
RE-3             Void
RE-3A           Permanent Road Closure (Rural)
RE-3B           Permanent Road Closure (Urban)
RE-4-6          Void
RE-7              Delineators and Object Markers
RE-8-12        Void
RE-12A         Formed Steel Beam Guardrail and Posts for Blocked-Out Guardrail (W-Beam)
RE-12B         Formed Steel Beam Guardrail and Posts for Blocked-Out Guardrail (Thrie-Beam)
RE-12C        Steel Guardrail Post and Wood Blockouts
RE-13-26B   Void
RE-27-27A   Void
RE-27B         Details of Thrie Beam Guardrail Bridge Connection
RE-28-29      Void
RE-29A         Cable Guardrail End Anchorage
RE-29B        Void
RE-29C        Cable Guardrail
RE-30-33     Void
RE-33A        Beam Guardrail End Anchorage (W-Beam)
RE-33B        Beam Guardrail End Anchorage (Thrie Beam)
RE-34-36     Void
RE-37           Guardrail Special Post Adapter Unit
RE-38-44     Void
RE-44A        44" Concrete Median Barrier (Full Section)
RE-44B        Void
RE-44C        44" Concrete Barrier
RE-44D        Void
RE-44E         34" Concrete Barrier
RE-44F         34" Concrete Barrier for Use with Reinforced Paved Shoulder
RE-44F(1)    Void
RE-44F(2)    Void
RE-44G        34" to 44" Concrete Barrier Transition Section
RE-44H        Concrete Barrier End Section
RE-44J         Reinforced Paved Shoulder for Concrete Barrier
RE-46           Details of Concrete Approach Barrier (35 MPH or Less)
RE-47           Type 3 Object Marker
RE-48           Void
RE-48A        Details of Marker and Delineator Placement (At Bridges)
RE-48B        Details of Marker and Delineator Placement (At Side Obstacles)
RE-49-52     Void
RE-53           Void
RE-54           Void
RE-54A         Guardrail Installations (Side Obstacle, Two-Way Protection) 6'-3" Post Spacing at Obstacle
RE-54B         Guardrail Installations (Side Obstacle, Two-Way Protection) 3'-1.5" Post Spacing at Obstacle
RE-55            Void
RE-55A         Guardrail Installations (Side Obstacle, One-Way Protection) 6'-3" Post Spacing at Obstacle
RE-55B         Guardrail Installations (Side Obstacle, One-Way Protection) 3'-1.5" Post Spacing at Obstacle
RE-56            Void
RE-57-62      Void
RE-63            Guardrail Installation (Railroad Signal)
RE-64A         Guardrail Installation Bridge Ends (Full Shoulder Width Bridge)
RE-64A(1)    Void
RE-64A(2)    Void
RE-64B         Guardrail Installations at Bridge Ends (Less Than Full Shoulder Width Bridge)
RE-65           Void
RE-65A        Void
RE-65B        Guardrail Installations with Concrete Barrier
RE-66A        Void
RE-66B        Void
RE-66C        W-Beam Guardrail Installation Spanning Culvert 24'-4" Maximum Culvert Width
RE-67           Void
RE-68           Steel Beam Guardrail Standard Transition Section (STS)
RE-69           Void
RE-69A        Guardrail Installation Connection to Bridge Endpost or Concrete Barrier
RE-69B        Guardrail Installation Connection to Retrofit Bridge Endposts
RE-69C        Guardrail Installation Connection to Existing Endposts
RE-70(1-3)   Void
RE-71           Temporary Barrier Rail (Precast Concrete)
RE-72           Void
RE-73           Void
RE-74           Side Obstacle Protection with Concrete Barrier and Guardrail
RE-74A        Void
RE-74B        Void
RE-75           Void
RE-76           Guardrail Terminal (FLEAT-350)
RE-80(1)      Void
RE-80(2)      Void
RE-84           Cable/W-Beam Guardrail Crossover
RE-85(1)      Void
RE-85(2)      Void
RE-85           Temporary Crash Cushions - Sand Barrel Details
RE-86(1)      Void
RE-86(2)      Void
RE-87           Void
RE-88           High Tension Cable Guardrail
RE-89           Temporary Barrier Rail (Steel)

RA    Storm and Sanitary Sewer Structures
RB    Miscellaneous Construction
RC    Roadside Development and Erosion Control
RD    Signs
RE    Traffic Barriers
RF    Drainage
RG    Pavement Widening and Resurfacing
RH    Rigid Pavement
RJ     Flexible Pavement
RK    Bridge Approach Pavement
RL    Earthwork
RM   Signals and Lighting
RP    Roadway Superelevation
RR    Pavement Rehabilitation
RV    Ramp and Median Crossover Geometrics
SI      Signs
SW   Sanitary and Storm Sewer
TC    Traffic Control
WM   Water Main