I-380 Planning Study

The Iowa DOT is studying Interstate 380 in Iowa from U.S. 30 in Cedar Rapids to north of I-80 in an effort to increase mobility across the interstate system. This study will follow the planning environmental linkages (PEL) model, also referred to as “Planning Study,” allowing the department to make system-level decisions that will help shape individual projects throughout the corridor as they are developed and constructed over time. It is critical to identify important resources within the corridor early in the process to allow time to develop potential solutions that avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to these resources. The PEL will evaluate the safety, capacity, infrastructure, and other topics regarding I-380. These are documented in a series of technical memorandums.

Public participation is an important component of this process as it gives an opportunity for interested individuals to help identify these resources, as well as share what is important to them. It also serves as an opportunity for the Iowa Department of Transportation to keep the public informed and provide feedback on potential improvement strategies as they are refined. The comments and opinions submitted will be used to help make informed decisions throughout the process.

This website will be updated throughout the course of this study. Information such as maps, special studies, and online public meetings will be hosted on this web page.

This website was created for YOU!

Whether you are a resident, business owner, or local official, the Iowa DOT would not only like to keep you informed, we would like to hear from YOU regarding any thoughts, ideas, questions, or comments related to the I-380 study. You can play a part in this process by signing up to be included on the email distribution list or by sending us your questions or comments.


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