I-380 Planning Study

Planning environmental linkages (PEL) study


Public Involvement Plan

Because transportation projects can greatly affect a community, public input is extremely important. Public involvement opportunities allow interested individuals the chance to provide ideas and comments regarding the development of a transportation project. This I-380 Planning Study - Public Involvement Plan (PIP) is the guiding document for the public involvement process. The study’s success hinges on communication and cooperation with the public, local communities, state and federal agencies. The PIP outlines how the Iowa DOT will communicate to stakeholders and the public throughout the study process.

Goals and Guiding Principles

This technical memo will help to identify key goals and guiding principles to help shape the vision for infrastructure investment within the I-380 corridor.

Evaluation of I-380 Resiliency and Vulnerability

This technical memo will evaluate the vulnerability of the infrastructure within the corridor to flooding and snow events and what can be done in the context of project development to increase the resiliency of the infrastructure to future events.

Impact of Alternative Modes on I-380

This technical memo will evaluate alternative modes of transportation in and near the I-380 corridor and determine what need these modes serve. This memo will investigate what additional investment might be required to support alternative modes, and whether such investments would divert traffic from the I-380 corridor. Alternative modes would include, but not be limited to, commuter rail between the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City metro areas.

Existing Conditions and Operations

This technical memo will investigate the existing conditions and operations within the Interstate 380 corridor, as well as the setting (human and natural) and the potential impacts of identified improvement needs. This memo will explore cost-effective ways to increase mobility, safety, and system efficiency within the corridor.

Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technology

This technical memo will examine the operations along the Interstate 380 corridor and review what capacity improvements may be required within the corridor in consideration of emerging technologies. In a traditional sense, a capacity analysis will have been done in previous technical memorandum; however, this memo will include consideration of emerging technology such as autonomous vehicles and how these technologies affect capacity and the timing of these improvements.

Vision for Infrastructure Investment

This will be the final planning study technical memorandum. Within the context of public and agency involvement and considering the identified improvements needs, this technical memo will develop a vision for infrastructure investment within the Interstate 380 corridor.


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