Constructed: 1911
Alternate Name: Crane Creek bridge
Bridge Type: Riveted Camelback pony truss
Physical Status: Replaced in 2003
Length: 92.0 feet
Width: 15.4 feet
Spans: 1
FHWA: 76200
Jurisdiction: Iowa DOT
Address: Crane Creek Bridge, Marquis Road over Crane Creek, 6.5 miles northeast of Waterloo, Section 3, T90N-R12W and Section 34, T91N-R12W
The Crane Creek bridge is a Camelback pony truss, situated on the boundary between Black Hawk and Bremer Counties just east of the intersection of Marquis and Elk Run Roads. On October 8, 1910, the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors approved construction of a steel bridge with a concrete floor and abutments over Crane Creek near the Crane Creek Creamery. The contract to build the bridge was awarded to John Ritzinger, manager of the Waterloo Construction Company. The construction cost, $2,914.00, was to be shared equally by Black Hawk and Bremer Counties. On January 31, 1911, the board authorized partial payment of $1,200.00 to the Waterloo Construction Company. Waterloo, an important regional bridge builder, provided bridges and bridge materials to the county on a number of occasions in the early 20th century. Exhibiting connections throughout, the Camelback pony truss spans 90 feet. Since its erection, the Crane Creek Bridge has served Black County residents uninterrupted, with no major structural modifications of note. It is a well-preserved example of a relatively uncommon subtype of the venerable Pratt truss [adapted from Roise and Fraser 1992}.