Rail Regulations
Iowa DOT is the primary rail regulator within the state of Iowa. However, the Iowa DOT has limited regulatory authority. It participates in the railroad abandonment process and offers comments on federal rail legislation and rulemaking. When applicable, the Iowa DOT can facilitate service disputes between shippers and carriers through the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals.
Railroads are required to construct and maintain fences to specific standards on each side of the right-of-way in order to keep livestock off the tracks (Iowa Code 327G.3). If a railroad fails to fence, the railroad is subject to penalties and is liable for any livestock losses. Complaints concerning fencing should be addressed directly to the railroad. The Office of Rail Transportation can provide the appropriate railroad contact information.
Iowa Code Section 327F.27 requires railroads to control vegetation along railroad rights-of-way for various safety, but not aesthetic, reasons. Residents concerned about uncontrolled vegetation growth are advised to contact the railroad to discuss the problem. The Office of Rail Transportation can assist with the appropriate railroad contact. If the problem is unresolved, complaints about uncontrolled vegetation can be reported to the county attorney for enforcement.