Iowa Rail


Highway traveling

Operation Lifesaver is a nonprofit, international continuing public education program first established in 1972 to end collisions, deaths and injuries at places where roadways cross train tracks, and on railroad rights-of-way. Operation Lifesaver programs are sponsored cooperatively by federal, state, and local government agencies; highway safety organizations; and the nation’s railroads.

To schedule an Operation Lifesaver program in Iowa or if interested in volunteering, contact its state coordinator:

Iowa Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator
30215 170th St.
Clarksville, IA 50619
Phone: 319-415-4814
Operations Lifesaver of Iowa

Iowa Operations Lifesaver promotes rail safety through public awareness campaigns and education initiatives, including free safety presentations by authorized volunteers. We speak to:

  • school groups
  • driver education classes
  • community audiences
  • professional drivers
  • law enforcement officers
  • emergency responders and others.

Our program is co-sponsored by state and local government agencies, highway safety organizations, America's railroads, and other entities. Together we promote the three E's - education, enforcement and engineering - to keep people safe around the tracks and railway crossings within our communities. IA OL is part of a national nonprofit program known as Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI).


Current Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) data shows that highway-rail grade crossing collisions and pedestrian trespass on tracks together account for over 95% of all railroad fatalities. To learn more about crossing collisions and casualties by state visit the OLI Track Statistics webpage.

School Bus Drivers

Every school day, 480,000 school buses travel the nation’s roads. School bus drivers need to know how to make informed decisions when driving near tracks and trains. Visit the Operation Lifesaver website for training videos and assets, posters, eLearning, and more. Request a Free Presentation

bus on crossing


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