Accidents reported in Iowa

Railroad Crossing Collisions in Iowa 1980-2022
Railroads are federally mandated to report railroad crossing accidents to the FRA by submitting the DOT Accident/ Incident Report form FRA F 6180.57. These forms are available for the public to download through the FRA’s Office of Safety Analysis website along with the railroad crossing inventory forms.
Users type in the railroad crossing DOT number and select whether the accident or inventory forms are generated in PDF format. Information from accident forms submitted to the FRA is aggregated into statistical reporting and made available through the FRA GX-Dash website. Accidents reported in Iowa can be viewed here.
FRA Accident Prediction Tool (GXAPS) provides what the likelihood for an accident at a railroad crossing or set of crossings is (based upon the information in the railroad crossing inventory record). View the FRA’s GXAPS Tool