Sustainability & Resiliency

Vision Workgroup

Making lives better through Transportation, the Iowa DOT’s core focus, can only happen when the transportation system is resilient and sustainable.

When Sustainable . . .


The transportation system is available and in a good condition, meeting customer needs of today and the future. When transportation is sustainable, the economic, environmental, and societal factors are in harmony—one is not being sacrificed for another.

When Resilient . . .

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The transportation system is constructed and maintained in such a way that we are able to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to and quickly recover from disruptions.

How we are working to integrate resiliency and sustainability throughout the Iowa DOT?

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FIRST: Focusing on the needs of our customers means developing systems and processes throughout Iowa’s transportation system to assure that system is safe and reliable for all users.
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SECOND: The Iowa DOT’s efforts are spearheaded by working groups for both resiliency and sustainability. Both groups have met regularly, have established charters, and are beginning work that will help more fully integrate these themes into the Iowa DOT’s work. Their continued efforts will be key to ensuring these topics are fully integrated across the department, providing a quality system for our customers.


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