Sustainability & Resiliency

What We DO:  Sustainability Work Group

Vision WorkgroupConstruction of Interstate 74 bridge

Making decisions on how to best spend your money on transportation improvements takes a great deal of research, analysis, and consideration of both the short-term benefits and the big picture over time. Transportation programs and projects often serve several different and sometimes competing objectives.

There are always more needs than available funds and  it can be difficult to justify making decisions that make sense for the whole transportation system over time, but might not be the best short-term solution.

Sustainability is a concept that gives decision-makers additional information when making difficult choices. This additional information includes  the economic, social, and environmental effects of the projects and programs being considered.

1. What we strive to do

maintian icon

Our mission is to maintain our transportation system that is in a state of good repair while sustainably managing our resources in a way that promotes environmental stewardship, is fiscally responsible, and best serves those that live in and drive through the State of Iowa.

2. Our target areas

  • Facilities
  • Fleet
  • Roadside Management
  • Construction
  • Operations
  • Resiliency
  • Purchasing
  • Indirect Infrastructure
  • Planning

3. Moving Ahead: strategies

  • Support Workforce Sustainability- Attract and Retain a Quality Workforce
  • Incorporate Renewable Energy and Other Sustainable Design Methods/Expand Alternative Uses of Roadsides and Roadside Vegetation Management
  • Utilize Long-life Pavements and Research Recycled/Sustainably Sourced Materials
  • Invest in Innovation
  • Collaborate with Other State Agencies (Within and Between States)
  • Promote Electric and Alternative-Fueled Vehicles

For more information

For more information about the Iowa DOT Sustainability Working group, please contact Samuel Sturtz.


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