
Research proposal and problem statements

Pre-fabricated bridge elements Prefabricated bridge elements

The Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) encourages new research. To ensure that the IHRB can review the proposed research projects in an orderly, objective manner, you will need to submit problem statements according to the enclosed guidelines. Problem statements are accepted year round but review of these will depend on guidelines set forth by the IHRB.

If you have an idea that may merit evaluation for research, contact Vanessa Goetz or submit it through our Research Topic & Funding Request. The normal process for idea submission follows the following steps.

Step 1

Submission of problem statement or research idea to Vanessa Goetz, through our online submittal form. After initial review to ensure it is understandable and all required information is presented, the research idea will be added to the list of potential topics or problem statement into the annual program for review. The annual topic prioritization for the following Fiscal Year is reviewed by the IHRB in late winter. Topics and problem statements that are selected through our annual prioritization cycle are solicited through Request for Proposals. Sign up to receive notices of IHRB RFP's

Step 2

As outlined in the IHRB business plan, problem statements and other proposals that fall outside of the annual cycle will be included in an agenda for an IHRB meeting. The researcher will be requested to attend the meeting and provide a short-oral presentation of the problem statement. The board will ask questions and offer suggested changes, then will vote to accept, reject or table the problem statement.

Step 3

If the problem statement is accepted, a more detailed proposal is requested along with answers to any questions the board may have. The researcher returns to a follow up meeting with a research proposal that is a detailed description of the proposed research, including a detailed budget/cost estimate. After the oral presentation of this proposal, the board will again vote to accept or reject the proposal. If the proposal is accepted, we will begin the process of setting up a contract and funding.


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