
sUBMIT Ideas

Iowa DOT’s Research Program encourages submission of research ideas that consider all aspects of transportation and related infrastructure through research, innovation, implementation and technology transfer efforts. If you have an idea that may merit evaluation, please submit the information using the link below.

A description of the idea including a summary of anticipated benefits must be included. Two to three paragraphs worth of information is sufficient at this time, as long as someone who is not familiar with the topic subject matter can read the summary description and understand the anticipated benefits.

Ideas generally center around one of the following types of efforts. While not required, it may be helpful to consider how an idea could be utilized by one or more of these efforts when filling out the description and anticipated benefit fields during idea submission.

General Research

Activities that explore new techniques, processes, or products.

Equipment & Software Evaluations

Items not normally used in day-to-day work of the agency required for a research project or as the object of study.

Novel & Innovative Ideas

Activities leading to new fundamental insights or substantial economic benefit.

Technology Transfer Activities

Dissemination, demonstration, training, or other activities leading toward adoption of research results.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us by sending an e-mail to


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