County annual average daily traffic (AADT) maps
Interactive map
Get the average daily traffic volume for all roadways and the turning movement counts for select intersections.
Please note: The traffic volumes collected during the 2020 collection season were greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and do not accurately reflect normal traffic conditions for those roadways. As a result, the decreased traffic levels when the traffic samples were taken make the statistical process to extrapolate annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes problematic. The process uses historical and yearly traffic data from permanent traffic volume collection sites to mathematically adjust the sample traffic data to an AADT. From a planning and engineering perspective it is imperative that the statistical methodology used to determine these AADT volume is sound. Unfortunately, a sample of abnormal traffic data early in the pandemic does not allow a valid statistical representation of AADT to be made. If you have a need for 2020 traffic data and understand the samples were taken during the pandemic with decreased traffic, please use the contact information below to make your request.
For additional traffic information, contact Jorge Zamora, 515-239-1323 or