Civil Rights

DIVERSITY Dates of recognition


Jan. 1

Global Family/World Peace Day 
Global Family and World Peace Day is a relatively new celebration following a peaceful invitation created by the United Nations in 1999. The holiday takes place on the first day of the year to bring awareness to efforts of peace and promote spending time away from work and with the family. It is meant to be celebrated by spending time with your family enjoying time of love and peace (Kabithra).

New Year's Day
While New Year’s Day is not often thought of as a religious holiday, the date holds religious significance for many religions. Many cultural celebrations take place on this day, as it is considered the beginning of a new year for many cultures, including the United States (Wikipedia).

Jan. 4

World Braille Day
World Braille Day has been celebrated since 2019. Braille is the tactile language using raised dots which represents the alphabet and numbers it is used by blind and visually impaired people. It is important to recognize the resource of Braille on this day and reflect on accessibility for visually impaired people. (United Nations).

Jan. 15

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday (Celebrated 3rd Monday of Jan.)
Martin Luther King Jr Day is treated as “a day on not a day off” it is both a celebration and honor of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to civil rights, as well as a day of commitment and service to improving America’s communities. (B Americans honor King’s legacy through parades, nonviolent protests and calls to action. Civil Rights would not be the same without Martin Luther King Jr., it is crucial that we continue to honor his legacy of equality, equity, hope, and love.

Jan. 19

World Religion Day
World Religion Day is meant to promote unity of the world’s religions. It is originally a Baha’i holiday beginning in the United States in the 1950’s. It is now observed by many around the world and celebrates unification of religions across the globe (Wikipedia).

Jan. 26

International Customs Day
International Customs Day is a holiday presented by the world customs organization. Each year they have a new dedication to an aspect of customs. For example, their goal can center around providing safety in crossing borders, or sustainability. Most recently the them focused on health specifically traveling and the coronavirus. This holiday serves as a good time to reflect on privilege held in travel, specifically through nationality (World Customs Organization).

Jan. 27

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The United Nations General Assembly designated the 27th of January, the anniversary of prisoner internment liberation at Auschwitz as the day to remember the horrors of the holocaust. On this day we must continue to recognize ways we can educate others on genocide, warning sides, and ways of prevention (USHMM).


Black History Month

Black History Month was born from a black Harvard historian’s solidification of black history week at the school. Carter G. Woodson based his teaching materials on what was then called “Negro History Week” Many wanted to replicate and share the story of Black Americans. He chose the week based on Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. The week then became a month, thus we celebrate black history month in February (Library of Congress).


Ethnic Equality Month

Ethnic Equality Month takes place during the month of February. Racial and ethnic equality, gender equity, and social inclusion are critical to democratic stability that requires participation by all stakeholders, including central and local governments, law enforcement, multilateral organizations, civil society, businesses, and academia” (Personalized Cause).

Feb. 1

National Freedom Day
Harry Truman signed the bill declaring National Freedom Day an official holiday in 1948. The day commemorates Abraham Lincoln signing the 13th Amendment into the U.S. Constitution banning slavery in the United States (Library of Congress). It is important to reflect on this holiday, especially keeping in mind the ways in which institutionalized racism still exists, and why we must continue to dismantle these systems.

Feb. 2

Chinese New Year 
Chinese New Year often begins at the end of January or February and is also called Lunar New Year. The celebration centered in China brings in the new year. It began from an old legend featuring a mystical and terrifying beast that arrives every new year, the beast is scared away by fire, bright colors, and noises, specifically fireworks and the color red. Bringing in the new year through celebration is thought to bring luck and prosperity to Chinese families. The celebration is also meant to celebrate Chinese ancestors. In addition to song and dance, special foods are made, and houses are cleaned to clean out any bad luck before the new year begins (Brittanica).


Feb. 14

Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day may not have a strong tie to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives. However, the day serves as a reminder to celebrate love and send admiration and positivity to friends, family, significant others, and even strangers.

Feb. 15

Nirvana Day (Buddhist Holiday)
Nirvana day is a Buddhist holiday celebrating when the Buddha reached nirvana. This is supposed to signify the end of the cycle of death and rebirth, all want, and all suffering is eradicated. Most Buddhists celebrate this day with reflection and meditation. It is also a time to celebrate socially with food and remember loved ones gone (BBC).

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Feb. 19

Nirvana Day (Buddhist Holiday)
President’s Day falls on George Washington’s birthday, and serves as a celebration of America’s current and past leadership in the oval office.

Feb. 20

World Day of Social Justice
The World Day of Social Justice was initiated in 2007 by the General Assembly under the Kyrgyz Republic. “The commemoration supports efforts by the international community to search for solutions to achieve sustainable development, poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work, universal social protection, gender equality and access to social well-being and justice for all” (United Nations).


Passover and Easter (typically in March or April)
Passover- Passover is a Jewish celebration commemorating the Israelites/Hebrew freedom from Egyptian slavery. It typically lasts about seven to eight days. It is celebrated with special family meals and dieting (Brittanica).

Easter- Easter is celebrated by Christians who believe that Christ was resurrected three days after his crucifixion. It marks the day when he rose from the dead and his followers found the tomb where he was thought to be dead, empty. It is often celebrated with church service and spending time with family.

Developmental Disabilities Month
During developmental disabilities month, organizations campaign to raise awareness to the ways in which people with developmental disabilities come together and form strong communities. Specifically, developmental disabilities month looks at inclusion, and how as a society we can create more inclusive opportunities for people who have developmental disabilities (NACDD).

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Gender Equality Month
Gender Equality Month is a worldwide initiative for gender equality and empowering females. March is dedicated to celebrating females worldwide and recognizing issues that need changing. For example, many females still experience a disproportionate amount of violence because of their gender, and many still do not have the same rights as males. In March take time to reflect gender disparity and empower the females in your life (United Nations).

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National Women’s History Month
March is also National Women’s History Month, during this month celebrate by “commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history” (Library of Congress). The link following the source for this entry features a collaboration a collection of virtual exhibits and resources detailing the contribution of women to American history should you wish to learn more.

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Irish American Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month is in March. We often forget the struggles our ancestors faced to come to the United States. Linked below is a gallery and documentary to view if one is interested in the Irish emigration experience.

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Greek American Heritage Month
Greek American Heritage Month is also in March. Queens College created a blog with information on Greek emigration and some books. The following link provides more information should you wish to learn more about Greek-American heritage:

1st- Mardi Gras (Date changes)
Mardi Gras is a tradition in Christianity, specifically in Catholicism. It is also known as “Fat Tuesday” this celebration takes place before the Lenten season, and is celebrated with food before the fasting of lent (USA Today). The date changes depending on when Easter takes place.

4th- Employee Appreciation Day (First Friday of March)

Employee Appreciation Day is the first Friday of every March. It is a day where employers can thank their employees for all the hard work they do. Show your appreciation for your employees or fellow co-workers by having a small party or potluck.

8th- International Women’s Day 
No country has ever achieved full equality between men and women (United Nations). On International Women’s Day it is so important that we recognize the influential females in history and in our life. It is important to acknowledge pressing issues like the gender wage gap and the ways in which female identifying people are still oppressed throughout the world.

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9th- Asian and Pacific Islander Women’s Equal Pay Day
“The average Asian American / Pacific Islander woman is paid $0.85 for every $1.00 paid white, non-Hispanic men, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars over a 40-year career” (Equal Pay Today).

11thMahashivratri (Hindu)
Mahashivratri is a Hindu holiday that is also called “The Great Night of Shiva.” This festival is one of the largest and most significant holidays in Hindu culture. While it is widely celebrated, the holiday has much more individual and spiritual significance and connection. “Mahashivratri is an opportunity and a possibility to bring yourself to that experience of the vast emptiness within every human being, which is the source of all creation” (IHSA)

Resource and Video: 

17th- St. Patrick’s Day 
St. Patrick’s Day is a prominent holiday in American culture, but many still are unaware of why it is celebrated. This holiday is tied religiously with Catholicism/Christianity. It became a holiday to memorialize the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. However, over the years it has transformed more into a holiday celebrating Irish culture.

19th- Naw Ruz (Baha’i New Year)

Naw-Ruz is considered the first day of the Baha’i calendar. This holiday is celebrated in the Middle Eastern region, it correlates with the new year of Afghanistan and Iran. This day is considered one of the most holy days in the Baha’i religion (Wikipedia).

25th- International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slavery is one of the most tragic pieces of human existence. On the 25th of March we remember victims of slavery, specifically the transatlantic slave trade (United Nations). This day is also important in raising awareness to racism and prejudices that still occur today.

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28th- Holi (Hindu) 
Holi is a Hindu holiday that is often celebrated throughout India. It is a very large celebration oftentimes named the “Festival of Colors” or the “Festival of Love.” This festival is meant to bring joy and positivity and increase connection and familial support (Holi Festival).

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31st- Equal Pay Day 
Equal Pay Day is on a different day each year because it symbolizes how far a woman must work into the year to achieve the same amount of pay that a male did the year prior. This illustration shows how the pay gap is still very wide and equal pay for equal work is an extremely prevalent issue. Wear red on this day to symbolize how women and minorities are “in the red” with their pay. (National Committee on Pay Equity).

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31st- International Transgender Day of Visibility 
International Transgender Day of Visibility is held on the last day of March to bring awareness to trans and gender non-conforming individuals and their contributions to society. It is important to pay specific attention to trans issues on this day and recognize the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans equality (GLSEN).

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Autism Acceptance Month
Autism Acceptance Month, formerly known as Autism Awareness Month, is an initiative to garner more attention to those with autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During Autism Acceptance Month it is important to learn more about the symptoms and signs of Autism or ASD. It is also important to continually promote acceptance and understanding for individuals on the spectrum (Autism Society).


Arab-American Heritage Month    
Arab-American Heritage Month is throughout the month of April. Many people are not sure what countries are tied with Arab culture. According to “Simply put, Arab Americans have roots in 22 countries located in the Middle East and North African regions: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.” April is the month to celebrate those who have heritage tied back to these countries. 

Ramadan (In 2022 Ramadan will last for the entirety of April, but changes yearly)
Ramadan is the Muslim holy month. Across the globe Muslims celebrate Ramadan, many fasting until the sun goes down and participating in prayers or eating specific holy foods. Ramadan is a time for reflection, contemplation, and celebration (Muslim Aid).


Celebrate Diversity Month
Diversity is one of the three focuses in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As seen by this calendar, diversity can be celebrated all year long. However, in April you can celebrate by hosting or attending workshops, watching informational videos, hosting a diversity day, and inviting speakers to come to the office speaking about DEI. More options can be found at the link below.

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April 2
World Autism Day 

As mentioned above, April is Autism Acceptance month. The 2nd is specifically World Autism Day, along with the month bringing awareness to autism, this day would be a great opportunity to revisit resources and educate on topics related to neurodiversity specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder. *See resources mentioned in the above entry.

April 7
 International Day of Reflection of the Genocide in Rwanda 

From April to July of 1994 a horrendous genocide occurred when a group of Hutu extremists attacked the Tutsis people. This attack lasted for 100 days and it is estimated that 800,000 people died (BBC). On the 7th of April, many worldwide reflect on this genocide and continue to educate themselves on genocide prevention.

April 11
National Day of Silence LGBTQIA+ Community

The National Day of Silence for the LGBTQIA+ community was created as a student-led protest to help bring awareness and remember all the harmful things that have happened and continue to happen to members of the LGBTQIA+ Community (GLSEN). Another resource to check out on this day is The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project works to provide mental health support and crisis intervention to LGBTQIA+ Youth, here is the link:

April 22
Earth Day 

Earth Day was created in 1970 in hopes to bring consciousness to the deteriorating state of our planet. On Earth Day organizations and communities pledge to doing their part to help save the environment (Earth Day Organization).


National Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
May celebrates Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent. Pacific Islands include native Hawaii, Polynesia, Samoa, Tahiti, and Tonga. During this month it is important to recognize the emigration struggle of Asians and Pacific Islanders in their travels to the United States, as well as the struggles and experiences people still have today (Library of Congress).

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Haitian Heritage Month
Haitian Heritage Month is a nationally recognized month and an opportunity for individuals including Haitians and lovers of the Haitian culture to celebrate the rich culture, distinctive art, delicious food and learn the traditions of Haiti and its people. The celebration is an expansion of the Haitian Flag Day on May 18th, a major patriotic day celebration in Haiti and the Diaspora created to encourage patriotism” (Haitian Heritage Museum).

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Jewish-American Month 
May is also Jewish-American month. To celebrate, look at historical resources covering Jewish emigration to America, as well as traditions and customs integral to Jewish culture. The link provided below features exhibits, collections, and videos that cover the history of Jewish-America emigration (Library of Congress).

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Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health Awareness Month is a national movement to bring recognition and awareness to mental illness. Millions of Americans suffer from mental illness, one of the central goals of awareness month is to bring these issues to light to decrease the stigma surrounding our mental health.

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Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
The American Speech-Language- Hearing Association website details the purpose of Speech and Hearing Awareness Month. Each year this month has a new theme concerning an issue that people with communication disorders face. The website also provides multiple resources for people who may have a communication disorder or wish to learn more, the link can be found in the resource portion of this calendar (ASHA).

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May 21
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 

75% of the world’s conflicts are related to cultural conflict. The purpose of World Day for Cultural Diversity or Dialogue and Development is meant to bridge this gap and promote peace (United Nations).

May 25
Memorial Day (last Monday of May)

Memorial Day is on the last Monday of May. It is a nationally recognized holiday that is Memoriam of United States soldiers who lost their lives fighting for their country.

May 29
Ascension of Bahau’llah 

Bahau’llah is the founder of the Baha’i faith, this religious holiday marks the day after he died when he rose again. Much like the figure Jesus in Christianity, Bahau’llah is believed by the Baha’i adherents to be the prophet sent down from God, and like Jesus died and rose again (Bhagat).

May 31
Tulsa Race Massacre 

On May 31st to June 1st, 1921 the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was heavily populated by black individuals, was under attack by a white mob. This occurred due to a white woman screaming and running out of an elevator with a black man. The happenings of the incident are unknown, but it is estimated that up to 800 black people were injured and 300 were killed, and 35 blocks were in charred ruins after the riots and massacre (Tulsa History and Museum).

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National Caribbean American Heritage Month 
June celebrates Caribbean-American Heritage. Celebrate throughout the month by expanding your knowledge of Caribbean countries and their culture. Check out this link to educate yourself on Caribbean tradition and culture:

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LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
June is Pride Month, a time in which members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies celebrate identity and recognize the struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights as well as the ways in which members of the community still struggle and fight for equality. June is named Pride month in respect to the Stonewall Riots on June 28th of 1969, and because gay marriage was legalized in the United States on the 26th of June 2015 (Library of Congress).


Black Music Month
In 1979 President Jimmy Carter declared June African American Music Appreciation month. This is a celebration of musical influences on black culture and how that has in turn influenced American culture (NMAAHC).


June 8
Race Unity Day

The second Sunday in June is declared by people of the Baha’i faith as Race Unity Day. A day in which to celebrate racial identity and raise awareness for harmony and understanding (Baha’i’s of the United States).

June 12
Loving Day 

June 12th is the anniversary of the supreme court decision Loving v. Virginia, which struck down anti-miscegenation laws, meaning interracial couples could be married (Wikipedia).


June 19

Juneteenth marks the day that enslaved people in Texas heard the news that they were free. While the emancipation proclamation freed all enslaved people in the United States in January, it took months for the news to reach the entire south, with Texas serving as the last state to receive this information. Every year on Juneteenth we celebrate the end of slavery in the United States.


June 20
World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.”


June 26
Anniversary of Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in the USA

On the 26th of June 2015, the Supreme Court struck down all state laws banning same sex marriage, making it legal for same sex couples to marry each other across the United States of America. This day is a celebration of a pivotal decision that allowed people to officially marry their significant other.


July 4
Independence Day

Independence Day is the commemoration of the United States of America’s signing of the Declaration of Independence and it’s pass through the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776.

July 17
Tish B’Av

Tish B’av is a Jewish holiday that remembers the destruction of two Holy Temples in Jerusalem. This day marks tragedy for multiple reasons in the Jewish community, therefore it is observed as a day of mourning. Jewish people often fast on this day in addition to other rituals (Chabad).


June 9
Hari Raya Haji (or Eid al-Adha) this date changes annually in 2022 it will be the 9th.

Hari Raya Haji is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice and falls 70 days after the holy month of Ramadan. It marks the end of the holy pilmigrage to Mecca. Muslims celebrate this holiday with feasts in the afternoon and time with family (PHG).



August 1
Muslim Wo1st- Muslim Women’s Rights Day

The 1st of August celebrates Muslim Women’s Rights Day after the passing of the 2019 “Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act. This Act makes the unjust triple talaq law a criminal offense (Drishti Media).


August 3
National Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day is the approximate day a Black woman must work into the new year to make what white non-Hispanic man-made at the end of the previous year. Based on ACS Census data, the 2021 wage gap for Black women compared to non-Hispanic white men is $0.63 (cents). (Equal Pay Today).

August 9
International Day of World’s Indigenous People

International Day of World’s Indigenous People commemorates the needs of indigenous people worldwide and recognizes the struggles and inequities that indigenous people still endure globally (United Nations).


August 15
India’s Independence Day

Indian Independence Day marks India’s freedom from England on August 15th of 1947. Similar to the United States, Indian Independence Day is marked with celebrations, flag raising ceremonies, parades and other cultural events (Wikipedia).

August 19
World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day is recognized by the United Nations as a day of commemoration and remembrance for humanitarians who have lost their lives doing their work. This day honors all of the people who fight daily for the good and wellbeing of others, especially those who are put at risk, injured, and sometimes even killed in order to help others  (United Nations).

August 21
World Senior Citizen Day

August 21st recognizes the world’s senior citizens, especially struggles related to aging. To celebrate this day, make a card for senior citizens in your life or in assisted living care. Give an older adult a call or pay them a visit if it is safely possible.

August 26
Women’s Equality Day

Passed in 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.” The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York. The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality  (National Women’s History Alliance).




Yom Kippur (Jewish) oftentimes falls during September
Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement is considered the most important day in the Jewish faith. It is on this day that God decides each person’s fate, therefore many Jewish people fast on this day, make amends, and pray for forgiveness (History Channel).


National Hispanic Heritage Month
“National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries.” Check out the resource linked below for a virtual calendar and gallery of information provided by the Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration and more.


National Guide Dog Month
September is National Guide Dog Month. This month is in honor and appreciation of the guide dogs who provide loyalty and service to their owners and those who need them daily.

Sept. 5
Labor Day

Labor Day is a federal holiday that recognizes the work and contributions of workers in the United States of America. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894  (History Channel).

Sept. 8
Native American Women’s Equal Pay Day
Native Women earn approximately $0.60 cents on the dollar of White, non-Hispanic men (based on 2019 data). Sep 8, Native Women’s Equal Pay Day is the day Native women must work into the new year to make what White men made at the end of last year.(Equal Pay Today).

Sept. 11
September 11th Attacks Remembrance Day

September 11th is an emotionally charged day for many Americans. On this day 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon, and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.(History) This day also initiated the War on Terror.

Sept. 15
International Day of Democracy

The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world. Democracy is as much a process as a goal, and only with the full participation of and support by the international community, national governing bodies, civil society and individuals, can the ideal of democracy be made into a reality to be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere.”

Sept. 16
Mexican Independence Day

While many people often confuse Mexican Independence Day for Cinco de Mayo, September 16th is Mexico’s Independence Day. This day marks when Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo cried a call to arms for Mexican Independence in Dolores, Mexico. For centuries Mexico faced injustices due to the reign of Spain, and after a long fight received their independence. This day marks the spark of revolution and change in the country’s history (Wikipedia).

Sept. 21
International Day of Peace

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire (United Nations).


Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. During October organizations especially schools and youth programs bring awareness to the different types of bullying and how bullying affects people and communities. While many think of bullying as an issue particular to youth, it is important to note that bullying still occurs in adult workplace environments as well (Youth Gov).

Down Syndrome Awareness Month
October was named Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the 1980s and ever since has been a time to celebrate people with down syndrome and their accomplishments, as well as raise awareness as to the struggles people with down syndrome face (Special Olympics).

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month recognizes the importance of equality in employment and ensuring that employment opportunities are accessible for people with disabilities.

LGBT History Month
While LGBTQIA+ Pride month is held in June. October celebrates LGBTQIA+ history, the month observes different civil rights movements pertaining specifically to the LGBTQIA+ community. It coincides with October in the United States in accordance with National Coming Out Day on the 11th.


October 2
International Day of Nonviolence

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed on October 2nd, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. The International Day is an occasion to disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness. The resolution reaffirms the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence and the desire to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence   (United Nations). 

October 10
World Mental Health Day

The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day, it is important to bring awareness to mental health issues on this day and every day. Check in with yourself, your family, friends and others on World Mental Health Day and remember to check in often. Mental health unfortunately is still stigmatized but recognitions like this one can help to lessen the stigma.


October 11
National Coming Out Day

National Coming Out Day is a day of celebration for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to remember their coming out story. It also provides encouragement for those who have not come out of the closet to be themselves and come out if it is safe. It both celebrates the community and brings awareness to the hardships, stresses, and potential dangers of coming out, but also the liberation and love experienced.


October 17
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is recognized by the United Nations and features a new goal every year. The day is on the 17th because of a call to action for the eradication of poverty by Father Joseph Wresinksi in 1992 (United Nations).


October 20
Birth of Bab in Shirat

The Birth of Bab is a Baha’i holiday recognizing the birth of the founder and savior of the Baha’i religion, Bab. Much like the Christian holiday of Christmas, the 20th of October, this date celebrates the birth of a savior. However, festivities and tradition are not specifically established. Oftentimes, followers of the Baha’i religion take this day off work and partake in social gatherings or worship (BBC).

October 22
National Stuttering Awareness Day

The 22nd of October is National Stuttering Awareness Day. Not many people think about stuttering if they are not personally affected by it. The National Stuttering Association provides facts and resources for people to learn more about stuttering and provides resources for people who struggle or have struggled with stuttering. Check out the listed resource to learn more:


National Native American Heritage/ American, Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month
During the month of November, we celebrate National Native American Heritage also commonly known as American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month. This month is a celebration of the many native cultures that make up the United States of America. This month celebrates the history of the United States’ indigenous people. Check out the resource linked here to find virtual exhibits and information on Native American history:


November 11
Veterans Day

While the significance of the 11th of November ties directly with the end of World War I the day pays tribute to all veterans of war. The United States commemorates those who have fought and died for our country on this day, as well as soldiers currently serving in the armed forces.

November 16
International Day for Tolerance

In honor of the leader Mahatma Gandhi, the international day for tolerance is a call from the United Nations for peace and understanding. Fostering mutual understanding between cultures is important in creating an environment of tolerance. On this day, check in to see if your community promotes tolerance, peace, and acceptance of others even when opinions differ (United Nations).

November 20
Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence (GLAAD). Check out the resource below to find more information as to how you can learn more and get involved:



Universal Human Rights Month
December is Universal Human Rights Month, a time for people in the United States and around the world to join together and stand up for the rights and dignity of all individuals (Charity Navigator). The 10th of December specifically relates to Universal Human Rights Month, as it is Human Rights Day.


December 1
World AIDS Day

December 1st is World AIDS Day. It is an opportunity for people to join together to fight against HIV and show support to those who are currently struggling with HIV. It is also a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives to AIDS-related diseases (National Aids Trust).


December 3
International Day for People with Disability

“The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992 by United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic, and cultural life (United Nations).

December 10
International Human Rights Day

December 10, Human Rights Day, is a global holiday that marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948. Article I of the Declaration states, 
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Sadly, many people around the world have not experienced this truth. They face discrimination and persecution because of their race, national origin, sex, gender, religion, age, language, or other status." (Charity Navigator)

December 10-18

Hannukah is a Jewish holiday, which unbeknownst to many, is quite a minor celebration in the Jewish faith. Also known as The Festival of Lights, Hannukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the second century of B.C. It is a time to be spent celebrating joy, love, and family (Reform Judaism).

December 20
International Human Solidarity Day

International Human Solidarity Day is meant to celebrate many different themes. It is a day to celebrate our unity in diversity, to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements, a day to raise public awareness and the importance of solidarity. Additionally, it encourages promotion of poverty eradication and sustainable development (United Nations).

December 25

Christmas celebrates the birth of the Christian savior, Jesus Christ. While the significance of the holiday is rooted in Christianity and the messiah’s birth, Christmas has become an important holiday for many people in the United States who are not Christian. The holiday is often spent celebrating togetherness with family, love, joy, and hope.

December 26

Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration from the 26th of December to the 1st of January. This is an African cultural holiday serving as a celebration of life that brings African culture together. The holiday celebrates seven different guiding principles in African culture and is celebrated with food, tradition, and time spent with the family (Interexchange Organization).

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Work cited


Brittanica. “Martin Luther King Jr. Day.” Encyclopedia Brittanica, 2021,

Kabithra. “Global Family Day” HappyDays365, 1 Jan 2021, .

United Nations. “World Braille Day 4 January.” United Nations, 2021, .

USHMM. “International Holocaust Remembrance Day.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2021.

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