Civil Rights


Every month, the Civil Rights Bureau hosts a virtual goal-setting meeting to set the DBE subcontracting goals for the following month’s letting listed on the Iowa DOT Contracts Bureau website. This is done in compliance with 49 CFR Part 26.45.

The fiscal year 2022 Iowa DOT DBE annual goal is 6.03%. The year-to-date DBE accomplishment currently is at 6.73%. Every first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 CDT, the Iowa DOT Civil Rights Bureau hosts a virtual public goal-setting meeting for the upcoming projects listed on the Iowa DOT Contracts and Specifications Bureau website.

Interested parties who want to attend the DBE goal-setting meeting must notify the Iowa DOT to be added to the calendar. This can be done by emailing Nikita Rainey, Civil Rights Bureau Interim Director:


DBE meeting

The attendees at the monthly DBE goal-setting meeting are typically comprised of Iowa DOT personnel, prime contractors, and subcontractors. A person attending does not have to be a potential bidder, though usually most attendees have a keen interest in the outcome of the goal-setting as it may affect how they conduct business in the upcoming bid(s).

Prior to each goal-setting meeting, the Iowa DOT Civil Rights Bureau reviews the upcoming projects from the Iowa DOT Contracts and Specifications Bureau when determining the opportunity for a DBE goal. They research such factors including race-neutral/race-conscious breakdown (spelled out in the methodology); opportunities for DBE companies that are ready, willing, and responsible; project requirements; as well as the qualified, certified DBE companies located in or near the project site(s).

During these monthly goal-setting meetings, a representative from the Iowa DOT Civil Rights Bureau gives the recommended DBE goal and those attending give feedback which may either substantiate or differ with the proposed goal. If a company sees a viable project, they need to take the time to attend and provide thoughtful input. Participants need to understand that this is their chance to be a voice at the DBE goal-setting strategy. If capable companies do not respond, the opportunity to discuss the DBE goal may be lost. Regardless of the dialogue in the meeting, the Iowa DOT Civil Rights Bureau, who has insight into the requirements, makes the final determination on all the DBE goals.

Overall, the goal-setting process is a great way for a DBE company have foresight into upcoming projects and in addition, creates an opportunity to build relationships with primes who show interest in the same bids.

For more information contact:

Civil Rights Bureau
Phone: 515-239-1304

Mary Zimmerman, DBE Support Services Program Manager.
Phone: 515-450-1278

Iowa DOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Iowa DOT Civil Rights at 515-239-1111 or by email at


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