RH (Metric)

Rigid Pavement

RH-1-5m         Void
RH-6m             Void
RH-7-18m       Void
RH-19m           4.8 m Concrete Ramp Pavement
RH-20-21m     Void
RH-22m           Two-Lane P.C. Concrete Pavement
RH-23-37Cm  Void
RH-37Dm        Type "A" or "B" Granular Surfaced Shoulder (Adjacent to PCC Pavement)
RH-38m           Void
RH-39m           5.5 m Concrete Ramp Pavement
RH-40-41m     Void
RH-41Am        Paved Shoulder Alternates (200 mm HMA and 180 mm PCC)
RH-41Bm        Paved Shoulder Full Depth P.C. Concrete (Adjacent to PCC Pavement)
RH-41Cm        Paved Shoulder Full Depth Hot Mix Asphalt (Adjacent to PCC Pavement)
RH-41Dm        Void
RH-41Em        Paved Shoulder with 150 mm Sloped Curb (Portland Cement Concrete)
RH-42m           Paved Shoulder 200 mm Hot Mix Asphalt (Adjacent to PCC Pavement)
RH-43m           Four-Lane 14.4 m or 14.8 m P.C. Concrete Pavement
RH-44-45Am  Void
RH-45Bm        Two-Lane 9.4 m Wide P.C. Concrete Pavement (With 150 mm Standard Curb)
RH-45Cm        Two-Lane 9.6 m Wide P.C. Concrete Pavement (With 150 mm Sloped Curb)
RH-45Dm        Three-Lane 13.0 m Wide P.C. Concrete Pavement (With 150 mm Standard Curb)
RH-45Em        Three-Lane P.C. Concrete Pavement (With 150 mm Sloped Curb)
RH-46-47Am   Void
RH-47Bm         Non-Reinforced Four-Lane 16.0 m P.C. Concrete Pavement
RH-47Cm         Four-Lane 16.8 m Wide P.C. Concrete Pavement (With 150 mm Sloped Curb)
RH-48m            Four Lane 8.8 m  P.C. Concrete Pavement Divided Roadway
RH-49m            Non-Reinforced Four Lane 8.0 m P.C. Concrete Pavement Divided Roadway
RH-50m            Void
RH-51m           Joints (Longitudinal Contraction)
RH-52m           Joints (Expansion)
RH-53m           Four-Lane Divided Roadway 7.8 m P.C. Concrete Pavement
RH-54m           7.2 m Concrete Ramp Pavement
RH-55(1)m      Dowel Assemblies (Sheet 1 of 2)
RH-55(2)m      Dowel Assemblies (Sheet 2 of 2)
RH-56m           Void
RH-57m           Void
RH-58m           Void
RH-60m           Structural Rumble Strips
RH-61m           Void
RH-62m           Void
RH-63m           Void

RAm    Storm and Sanitary Sewer Structures
RBm    Miscellaneous Construction
RCm    Roadside Development and Erosion Control
RDm    Signs (Use English Versions)
REm    Traffic Barriers
RFm    Drainage (Use English Versions)
RGm    Pavement Widening and Resurfacing
RHm    Rigid Pavement
RJm     Flexible Pavement
RKm    Bridge Approach Pavement
RLm    Earthwork
RMm   Signals and Lighting
RPm    Roadway Superelevation
RRm    Pavement Rehabilitation (Use English Versions)
RVm    Ramp and Median Crossover Geometrics
TCm    Traffic Control (Use English Versions)