RL (Metric)


RL-1m           Void
RL-1Am         Details of Excavation and Rebuilding Embankments
RL-1Bm         Details of Embankment (Allowable Placement of Unsuitable Material)
RL-2m            Void
RL-2Am         Details of Embankment (Subgrade Treatment, Moisture and Density Control and Special Compaction)
RL-2Bm         Void
RL-3m            Details for Standard Wing Dikes
RL-4m            Ditch Blocks and Dikes
RL-5m            Void
RL-6m            Settlement Plate
RL-7m            Safety Ramp
RL-8m            Rural Entrance
RL-9m            Temporary Erosion Control Measures
RL-10-11m    Void
RL-12m          Special Shaping at Median Obstacles
RL-13m          Details for Special Grading at Side Piers
RL-14m          Void
RL-14A(1)m   Guardrail Grading (Sheet 1 of 2)
RL-14A(2)m   Guardrail Grading (Sheet 2 of 2)
RL-14Bm        Guardrail Grading  (Barnroof Section)
RL-15m           Bridge Berm Grading with Recoverable Slope
RL-16m           Void
RL-17m           Bridge Berm Grading (Barnroof Section) without Recoverable Slope

RAm    Storm and Sanitary Sewer Structures
RBm    Miscellaneous Construction
RCm    Roadside Development and Erosion Control
RDm    Signs (Use English Versions)
REm    Traffic Barriers
RFm    Drainage (Use English Versions)
RGm    Pavement Widening and Resurfacing
RHm    Rigid Pavement
RJm     Flexible Pavement
RKm    Bridge Approach Pavement
RLm    Earthwork
RMm   Signals and Lighting
RPm    Roadway Superelevation
RRm    Pavement Rehabilitation (Use English Versions)
RVm    Ramp and Median Crossover Geometrics
TCm    Traffic Control (Use English Versions)