Digital Delivery

OUR Plan for Digital Delivery

We are transforming the way we exchange information to more robust and sustainable methods that leverage digital workflows. Our key goals:

  • Use 2D and 3D modeling technology to develop project models that can be used as legal documents.
  • Leverage existing technology and explore new tools to support specific uses.
  • Expand data collection to manage assets by developing digital models that represent as-built conditions.
  • Develop and implement data management processes aligned with data management goals
This will be achieved through careful planning, communication and dedicated resources to manage change. Digital delivery transformation will happen in phases over the course of up to ten years but is already underway through pilot projects.

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery

Year One

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 1)

  • Develop stakeholder communication and engagement plan
  • Define organizational information requirements (6-12 months)
  • Update project and exchange requirements to advance digital maturity
  • Expand the use of E-Ticketing to include additional materials and assets.

Year Two

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 2)

  • Define organizational information requirements (6-12 months)
  • Select three priority assets and develop a prototype (2 years)
  • Update project and exchange requirements to advance digital maturity
  • Expand the use of e-ticketing to include additional materials and assets.

Year Three

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 3)

  • Select three priority assets and develop a prototype (2 years)
  • Update project and exchange requirements to advance digital maturity
  • Expand the use of e-ticketing to include additional materials and assets.
  • Review current plan for replacing ERMS and make updates to improve data searching and reporting

Year Four

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 4)

  • Expand the use of e-ticketing to include additional materials and assets.
  • Develop standards to incorporate or connect data harvested from digital design through Digital as-builts into authoritative systems.
  • Review the current plan for replacing ERMS and make updates to improve data searching and reporting
  • Improve transfer of data between various department systems.

Year Five

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 5)

  • Develop standards to incorporate or connect data harvested from digital design through Digital as-builts into authoritative systems.
  • Review the current plan for replacing ERMS and make updates to improve data searching and reporting
  • Improve transfer of data between various department systems.

Year Six

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 6)

  • Review the current plan for replacing ERMS and make updates to improve data searching and reporting
  • Improve transfer of data between various department systems.

Year Seven - Year Nine

Tactical and Strategic Goals for Digital Delivery (Year 6 - 9)

  • Improve the transfer of data between various department systems.


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