Rail Plan
This plan guides rail transportation efforts in the state. It aims to improve and expand freight and passenger railroad service.
- Chapter 1: Role of rail in statewide transportation
Introduction, goals, rail’s role in transportation, and Iowa’s authority to conduct rail planning and investments
- Chapter 2: Iowa’s existing rail system
Rail system description and inventory, trends and forecasts, and rail service needs and opportunities
- Chapter 3: Proposed passenger rail improvements and investments
Improvements to intercity and commuter services
- Chapter 4: Proposed freight rail improvements and investments
Improvements to freight services and intermodal connections
- Chapter 5: Iowa’s rail service and investment program
Vision, goals, and objectives; program coordination; intended program effects; project impact and financing analysis; studies and reports; and capital program
- Chapter 6: Coordination and review
Stakeholder engagement and state rail planning coordination
- Appendices
Profile of Iowa’s railroad network, Iowa Crude Oil and Biofuels Rail Transportation Study executive summary, economic impacts, commodity movements, Iowa Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Safety Program, Surface Repair Program, Grade Crossing Improvement Projects, and outreach elements and comments